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Democracy and the Development Cycle LIVE: Luis Lacalle Pou, Horacio Rosatti, Juan Manzur and other officials and leaders speak in Malba

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In the last decade, Argentina’s economy has entered into an ups and downs caused by National GDP per capita dropped back to levels of the end of the 20th century. Now 4 in 10 Argentines are poor. Fifteen years ago, students in Argentina surpassed their peers in the region on knowledge tests; now they are below average.

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Getting back on the path of development is essential to get out of stagnation where the country. This is the theme that the cycle will deal with “Democracy and Development”, organized by Clarín, which will begin this Tuesday.

This is the fourth edition of “Democracy and Development”. As before, it is held in the auditorium of Malba.

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This year will be a cycle of 7 events about what the country must reach consensus to achieve continued growth which promotes and feeds exports and maintains the internal market. Officials, academics and businessmen will participate, coordinated by journalists from Clarion. It will take place between this month and next November.

Fourth edition of the cycle of Democracy and Development.  Picture Maxi Failla.  Picture Maxi Failla.

Fourth edition of the cycle of Democracy and Development. Picture Maxi Failla. Picture Maxi Failla.

At this Tuesday’s event there were two tables. The first, on “Macroeconomic bases for growth”. There is debate about how to approach a development path, about the impact of inflation on poverty and which sectors have the greatest contribution in this context. Economists Ricardo Arriazu, Carlos Melconian, Emmanuel Alvarez Agis and Hernán Lacunza participated.

The second table of the first meeting is about “The rule of law for investment”. The axis is about what consensus Argentine politics must reach to tackle the path of development. how institutions are built that are not subject to the ups and downs of the political situation. participate in this meeting the president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Horacio Rosatti; the governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti; and the Chief of Staff of the Nation, Juan Manzur.

In addition, the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacelle Pou, will make a special participation. It refers to how a country reaches the minimum consensus to maintain prosperity.

The series is sponsored by Pan American Energy, Techint, Globant, Banco Macro and Telecom. And it will tackle the productive agenda based on the fact that one of the main consensus is that the country is having repeated difficulties due to foreign exchange restrictions, where increasing exports is a prerequisite to seek economic sustainability. .


The second event of the cycle is titled “Human and physical capital for development”, and will consist of two tables, one on “Education and labor inclusion”, and another on “Infrastructure to sustain growth”.

The third event of the cycle is about lin the “knowledge economy”, a sector that already generates more than US $ 6,000 million annually. There will be two discussion tables, one on the institutional, economic and regulatory framework, and another with the key personnel of the phenomenon.

Agribusiness will be the theme of the fourth DyD event. We will discuss about “The challenges in the production of raw materials” and “Can we be the world’s supermarket?”

The next theme of the cycle is energy, key when the country continues to have an energy shortage with the backdrop of rising prices. There will be two dialogue tables: “How to optimize the Argentine energy matrix “and” Investments for a sustainable energy future “.

The sixth event is about mining, a sector that could reach US $ 10,000 million in exports in a decade. The tables of this meeting were “Challenges and politics for an unexploited sector” and “The facts and projects”.

The last meeting is about industry, which accounts for 24% of the country’s exports, but also an important part of imports. There will be two tables: “How to promote export production, competitively replace imports and maintain demand in the labor industry?”, And “The results, experience and needs of companies.”

How to sign up

Interested participants can register by sending an email to [email protected]. Capacity is limited and enrollment is subject to confirmation.

Source: Clarin

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