State salary ranking: where the 50 best salaries are paid

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State salary ranking: where the 50 best salaries are paid

Operator of Atucha II, one of the nuclear power plants managed by Nucleoeléctrica Argentina (NASA)

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the state company Argentine nuclear power plant (NASA), the electrical power transmission system of the special unit (USER)and the Federal Revenue Administration (AFIP) are the three state agencies (technically called decentralized agencies) who pay the best wages within the orbit of the state.

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Clarione publish the 50 agencies, entities or companies that depend on the state where the highest salaries are paid, and in many of these cases there are “asterisks” that provide details and explanations to complement the information. This is the gross wages, that is, before the discount for the pension contribution; social security and, where appropriate, trade union and withholding tax.

The latest official data correspond to February 2022 and have been collected since Integrated Base for Public Employment (BIEP)which reports to the Head of Cabinet.

The goal of this database is that all official agencies, decentralized organizations and public companies report the average gross salary paid to their employees. Some branches respect it, others partially and others – such as the Central Bank, public banks or Aerolineas Argentinas – ignore it.

But there is a good amount of data to see what wages the public sector as a whole is paying compare that to what is paid in the private sector.

The top ten in salaries

1. Argentine nuclear power plant: $ 746,920. The highest salaries are paid, as stated, to the company Nucleoeléctrica Argentina, the company that generates electricity through the management of the Embalse and Atucha I and II nuclear power plants. In addition to the high qualification of its workers, the high salaries (at least in the public sector ranking) are explained by the fact that NASA employees are regulated by the collective labor agreement of the Luz y Fuerza union, which guarantees its members 16 salaries annually, in addition to productivity bonuses. NASA’s average gross salary, as reported in the BIEP database, was $ 746,920 pesos in February. 3,301 people work at NASA.

2. USER: $ 642,316. In second place is the Special Unit for the Electricity Transmission System, which controls the national electricity system and contracts the works throughout the country. It depends on the Ministry of Economy. Its employees received, on average, a gross salary of $ 642,316. High salaries but only 7 employees are enrolled in the BIEP.

3. AFIP: $ 559,806. Among the best known public bodies, AFIP is the one that pays the best salaries. On average, its 21,000 employees (adding AFIP, DGI and customs) received $ 559,806 pesos in February.

AFIP is one of the official agencies with the largest number of employees. Its parity is discussed by the Association of Tax and Public Revenue Employees (AEFIP) directly with the AFIP authorities. This organization has its own budget which, of course, feeds on the taxes paid by Argentine taxpayers.

AFIP employees, explained in this body a Clarione, to have two payslips a month. One for the salary itself and another (mid-month) which is a payment associated with the so-called “ranking account”, a sum of money linked to the evolution of the collection. In other words, A part of the total deposits (it was 2% and today it is 0.79%) is withheld by the AFIP employees themselves. This ranking account has a proportionately greater impact on workers in lower positions.

AFIP sources explained that the average salary could be inflated in a few months due to vacation (another salary). The lawyers of the organization headed by Mercedes Marcó del Pont receive, in addition to the salary, also fees that are calculated in relation to the favorable judgments they obtain for the lawsuits brought against taxpayers. And in the case of customs employees, a large part of the salary is explained by overtime “which is paid very well,” according to AFIP.

4. Foreign Relations: $ 518,393. In fourth place is the Foreign Relations Service (2,753 employees), whose salaries are linked to that of the Judiciary and have staff abroad who, logically, charge higher salaries to have purchasing power depending on the countries in which they work. its function. They charge $ 518,393 on average.

5. Engarga. $ 480,298. Gas Regulator (Enargas) the body that regulates the gas market and defines the tariffs for the service. In February, it recorded an average gross salary of 480,298 pesos for its 611 employees. The gas regulator is not financed with funds from the national treasury, but does so through its own resources such as payments made by gas companies.

6. Tax Court. $ 476,517. The sixth position is for the tax court (204 employees), which is where trials for tax matters are resolved: it reported salaries of $ 476,517.

7. Mint: $ 464,088: At number seven, he paid a salary of $ 464,088. The Casa de Moneda (1,400 employees) is of interest. is working 24 hours a day to supply bills – of low denomination, with heroes, heroines and even small animals – to the Argentines. There must be a lot of overtime to inflate those wages.

8. Argentine Aircraft Factory (Fadea): $ 451,819. This is what its 856 employees receive on average.

9. PAMI: $ 428,618. In ninth place appears the PAMI. The organization receives funds from social projects, workers and the National Treasury. This addiction which employs 13,028 people paid an average salary of $ 428,618 in February.

10. Supreme Court of Justice. $ 396,385. The top ten closes with the Supreme Court, which reported average salaries of $ 396,385 for its 2,457 employees. Although he is said to have denounced basic salaries that do not exactly reflect what judges and workers of the highest court receive. Equally surprising is that the Supreme Court carries lower average salaries than those of PAMI.

This ranking could easily be led by the Central bank, but said body stopped reporting its data to the BIEP in 2018. But a reconstruction can be done. For example, the median salary for a principal analyst that year was $ 152,602. The Central Bank updates the salaries of its staff according to the parity of La Bancaria. Assuming the union at least matches inflation, the 2018 salary today it reaches $ 615,000.

At the time of comparisons, an official figure. The Ministry of Labor reported that the average salary of the 6 million registered workers in the private sector is $ 122,583while the median, while the median is right $ 91,866. This indicates that there are far more below average salaries than above.

It is also useful to compare the salaries paid by the public sector with those paid by the private sector.

Last week the international company Adeco, specialized in human resources, he published a report in which, in the case of Argentina, he indicated which salaries are paid in the different positions:

  • A head of legal affairs receives a salary ranging from $ 288,029 to $ 660,133.
  • A CEO is paid between $ 482,700 and $ 1,125,697.
  • A sales manager perceives between $ 384,521 and $ 939,245.
  • A marketing manager fluctuates between the $ 265,648 and $ 883,659.
  • A plant manager is paid between $ 323,203 and $ 768,620.
  • An industrial manager between $ 250,000 and $ 1,068,510.
  • An industrial director between $ 650,000 and $ 1,147,990.

The BIEP was created in 2017 and was conceived as a complete plan for the management of salary information and human resources for personnel who provide services in the National Administration, Decentralized Bodies, Social Security Institutions, Enterprises and State Companies, Public and Trust Funds.

Today it is the responsibility of the Secretariat for Management and Public Employment, which leads Ana Castellani, who made some observations on the salaries paid by the public sector, mainly oriented towards strong dispersion.

First, he stressed that the government is trying fill the gaps, as far as possible, but given that there are many workers, as they belong to decentralized organizations, they are regulated by different agreements and therefore fall outside the scope of wage negotiations which, for the National Public Administration, are governed by the Opera Collective Agreement 214, approved in 2006. Under this agreement is that this Tuesday was closed a parity for state workers with an increase of 60%.

“In any case, what we do in joint negotiation is that it is the same for all the same agreements. and sometimes we do, but what happens: We can’t move the high grids, so what we’re trying to do is raise the lower wages more than the higher ones ”.

Source: Clarin

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