The deputies have approved the tax relief and now the Senate should do so. Photo Juan Manuel Foglia
The half-penalty for the relief for single-tax and self-employed workers, which implies a different scale of the sections, the exemption from payment for categories A and B of the single-tax, and a greater deduction of personal income tax for self-employed workers, would entail a reduction in the tax burden of nearly $ 67 billionaccording to a report presented by the Congressional Budget Office (OPC).
The reduction of charges on the Simplified Scheme would imply a tax relief for taxpayers of $ 11,067 millionwhile the effect on the determination of the Income Tax would imply a cost reduction of $ 55,223 million.
In the case of Profits, the OPC highlighted, in the absence of an adjustment in the current legislation on the amount of the advances to be paid, the effect on the collection of the tax would begin to manifest itself. from June 2023once the presentation of the sworn declaration for the fiscal year 2022 has been made.

Tax relief law for single-tax payers and self-employed workers. Deputies. To catch
The tax impact on the Simplified Regime includes a projection of the single-tax payers who will pass the section and would eventually be excluded from the regime – in addition to the exemption from the payment of the integrated tax to the taxpayers of Categories A and B. It is estimated that 1,577,254 taxpayers would stop paying the tribute.
As for self-employed workers, the difference is the percentage reduction in the collection obtained from the simulation on the data by sections about 6%which shows a decrease due to the increase in the Deduction for special projects estimated at 55,223 million dollars in the provision of affidavits for fiscal year 2022.
Since the reform would enter into force starting from the fiscal year 2022, the impact of this provision would have repercussions on the collection starting from June 2023 with the presentation of the affidavits 2022.
“Since the advances of human persons are calculated by applying a rate of 20% based on the tax determined from the previous year minus the deductible concepts, the advances would begin to be taxed with the incorporation of the Project from August 2023“says the OPC report.

Martín Tetaz, during the “tax relief” session at the Chamber of Deputies.
And he adds: “Therefore, in 2022 it would have no tax impactunless a reduction of the advances is requested “.
In turn, this Wednesday the Budget and Finance Commission of the Senate will discuss the bill, which has already obtained half a sanction in the Chamber, in a meeting scheduled for 5 pm in the Arturo Illia Hall.
The initiative aims, on the one hand, to update the billing of single-tax payers a prevent them from having to change categories and pay higher taxes and, on the other hand, increase the wage withholdings paid by employees who fall into the category of self-employed workers.
The proposed changes provide benefits for the sectors with lower turnover by increasing collections 60% the maximum amount of the first four categories of the Monotax, while in the first two -A and B- the payment of the tax component was eliminated, therefore the monthly fee will be $ 288 and $ 555 per monthrespectively.

Senator of La Rioja, Ricardo Guerra, chairs the Budget Committee of the Senate.
To make the provision progressively more effective, this benefit is for “pure” single-tax payers, that is, for those who have no other income, whether they are from pensions, dependency relationships, financial income or real estate leases.
How were the stairs of the monotribute
According to the original opinion, the billing that each category of monotax can reach will be as follows:
Category A $ 748,382;
Category B $ 1,112,459;
Category C $ 1,557,443;
Category D $ 1,934,273;
Category E $ 2,277,684.56;
Category F $ 2,847,105.70;
Category G $ 3,416,526.83;
Category H $ 4,229,985.60;
Category I $ 4,734,330.03;
Category J $ 5,425,770.00;
Category K $ 6,019,594.89.
With information from the Télam Agency
Source: Clarin