They confirmed the water increase: it will be done in two sections and the accumulated increase this year will be at least 32%

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They confirmed the water increase: it will be done in two sections and the accumulated increase this year will be at least 32%

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The resolution on increasing water has been published in the Official Gazette. photo EFE

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The Ministry of Public Works confirmed on Thursday the water flow regulation proposed by AySA, with an increase which will be 32% in total during the year and which will be implemented in two tranches. The first increase will be reflected starting July 1st and will be 20%, while the remaining increase will be 10% starting October 1st.

Resolution 91/2022, published in the Official Gazette with the signature of the secretary of that body, Carlos Augusto Rodríguez, established that the value of the “Coefficient of modification K” will pass from the current value of 37.2918 to 44 from next month, 7502. Meanwhile, when the second increase goes into effect, that number will rise to 49.2252.

The decision derives from the public hearing that AySA called on May 19, to analyze a possible adjustment of the tariff of its service. The state health company promptly described a “long-standing” situation which implied that “the current tariff levels are significantly lower than those established as an economic-financial balance in the regulatory framework”.

Commission revenues are not sufficient to cover all costs derived from the provision of services “, argued the company chaired by Malena Galmarini. In this sense, he explained that they covered only 49.5% of operating costs, a situation that could worsen if the tariff freeze were to continue.

Malena Galmarini, owner of Aysa.

Malena Galmarini, owner of Aysa.

AySA presented its tariff adjustment proposal to the Secretariat for Infrastructures and Water Policies of the Ministry of Public Works, but since the title was vacant, the competent authority became the Secretariat of Public Works.

special bonuses

Articles 3 and 4 of the Resolution propose exceptions for the beneficiaries of the social rate. Firstly, those who have discounts in effect until the entry into force of this provision, will enjoy an additional discount that neutralizes the effect of applying the tariff change. As clarified, “the discount will be maintained until the date of renewal or termination of this benefit”.

For their part, those who adhere to the social rate between 1 July and 30 September of this year will also get an additional discount, but based on the tariff change that will be implemented on 1 October. In both cases, the bonus “will be maintained until the date of renewal or termination of this benefit”.

On the other hand, it was fixedsuspend the collection of the fee for the installation of the meter for five years to those users of all categories who require pay-as-you-go billing, according to plans and the approved budget “.

Furthermore, “the collection of the fee for the connection of drinking water referred to in Article 17 of the RANT is exempted from those Users who request the billing method to measure and who, for this purpose, readjust their internal systems to be paid independently “, even for five years.

“The provisions of this article will only reach the functional units belonging to buildings divided into horizontal ownership or similar regime, powered by one or more undivided connections, existing at the entry into force of this resolution and will not apply to new buildings”, clarifies the Article 8 of the Regulation.

Most of the houses with a meter are located in Greater Buenos Aires. On the contrary, in the city of Buenos Aires the situation is reversed: a large number of customers live in apartments. And the meters are usually per building and not per unit.

As reported before the hearing in which he asked for the increases, AySA was considering asking the regulator to grant an additional 10% increase by the end of the year. “If electricity and gas increase by an average of 42%, we understand that our service could have that increase as well,” the company sources explained at the time.

It was also learned that claimed to have the power to apply segmentationor the removal of subsidies to 10% of customers with higher income or who reside in neighborhoods with high purchasing power.


Source: Clarin

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