Axel Kicillof: “The big risk is that we come out of the second half much worse than before”

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Axel Kicillof:

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“Without revenue growth, economic expansion is not sustainable,” Kicillof said. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros / Archive.

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Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof said on Saturday that Argentina is experiencing an economic “recovery” with levels “above pre-pandemic”, but warned that “income must be improved” because “the risk that this reactivation occurs with greater concentration Of wealth “.

“Today we have good employment numbers, but we must take all possible measures. We must improve income, follow that path and deepen it, because the big risk is to come out of the recovery much worse than before, “Kicillof stressed.

In the statements a radius 10the president of Buenos Aires specified: “In many branches of the economy we have levels higher than those pre-pandemic, since we are recovering from the disasters of macrismbut we have to increase revenue “.

Without income growth and distributional improvements, economic expansion is not sustainable. Those of us who have studied the economic question know that in times of reactivation there is a risk that it is with a greater concentration of wealth and markets “, he stressed.

"In many branches of the

“In many branches of the economy we have levels above pre-pandemic levels, we are already recovering from the disasters of macrism,” Kicillof stressed. Photo: snow

And he concluded: “It is almost a law of economic recovery that this is the case, because companies are founded in crises and those who are ill are worse off”.

In another section of the interview, he referred to his participation in the meeting of the League of Peronist Governors which took place this Friday in the province of Chaco, where he indicated that he called for more federal participation and once again questioned the presentation judge made by the head of the government of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, before the Supreme Court of Justice.

“The The Supreme Court has a logic that is not federalThat is why we governors are also presenting a draft under discussion in the Senate for a change in the number of its members, “he said.

Regarding the ongoing debate on the control and administration of social plans, Kicillof said: “What we were proposing was federalize the plans, that means which is not managed by a central decision but that each of the governors has participation in this process ”.

At that point, the governor of Buenos Aires said he did not know the exact number of social benefits received in the province, but indicated that the beneficiaries would be around 800,000.

“We are in a situation that requires discussion because the Frente de Todos won to produce and provide work,” he concluded.


Source: Clarin

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