Home Business Rentals, groups and private schools: the increases arriving in July

Rentals, groups and private schools: the increases arriving in July

Rentals, groups and private schools: the increases arriving in July

Rentals, groups and private schools: the increases arriving in July

The hikes in July will put more pressure on the pockets. Photo MARCELO CARROLL – FTP CLARIN

A new month begins, the seventh of the year, and with it the adjustments that the pocket suffered greatly in 2022 are renewed. Rentals, group and water rates, private and prepaid tuition. One after another all the adjustments that put more pressure on inflation in July, and which is already scheduled for June, will not fall below 5%.

Analysts already expect July CPI to remain around 5%, With the permanent impact of rising food prices and rising cost of regulated services, they will continue to exert pressure.

For June, the data will be known in the coming days, the projections are not much better: for Analytica, for example, inflation for the sixth month of the year will be 5.4%. The survey on market expectations carried out by the Central Bank places inflation in June at 5% and at 72.6% for the whole year.


With the amendment to the Rents Act still pending, rents whose contracts need to be updated will experience an increase of approximately 57%. This is due to the calculation based on the Lease Contracts Index (ICL) published daily by the Central Bank.

This indicator includes the change in inflation (according to the CPI measured by INDEC) and wages, according to the average wage of workers (Ripte). To apply the adjustment based on the ICL, you need to use a formula that takes into account the value of two dates: that of the beginning of the contract and in which the increase will be made.

Group rate

It is expected in July a 40% increase in the bus ticket in AMBA, rate which depends on the decision of the national government. In this way, although the exact implementation date has not yet been confirmed, the minimum distance up to 3 kilometers will range from $ 18 to $ 25.20.

The bus ticket in the AMBA has not increased since 2019. The definition of the ticket for metropolitan passenger trains is also pending. Transportation inside costs four times more than in the capital.

The bus ticket in the AMBA has not increased since 2019.

The bus ticket in the AMBA has not increased since 2019.

A minimum bus ticket costs $ 18 in the city of Buenos Aires and the suburbs. That’s less than a quarter of what they pay in Mar del Plata for this service: it costs $ 74.38 there. A recent increase in Rosario shows that transportation isn’t worth the same across the country. In that city, Cordoba and Santa Fe, the trip will be $ 69.5.

The scenario of this price disparity is in the midst of disagreements on the part of the Government on the policy of subsidies.

Water rate

Last week the Ministry of Public Works the price increases of the service provided by Aguas y Saneamientos Argentinos (AySA) have been made official of a 20% from July and a cumulative 10% in Octoberwhich will complete a 32% increase for the full year.

The measure was ordered with resolution 91/2022 published a week ago in the Official Gazette, in which it is the maintenance of the social rate for socially vulnerable sectors was confirmed.

The water increase will be 20% from July.  Photo Lucía Merle - FTP CLARIN LUM_6311.JPG Z LMerle

The water increase will be 20% from July. Photo Lucía Merle – FTP CLARIN LUM_6311.JPG Z LMerle

The increases in electricity and gas bills, on the other hand, expected in July, given the slow progress on segmentation that will leave 10% of users (who will pay the full rate) unsubsidized, it could only be applied in September. Until then, these users will keep the subsidies like the rest of the consumers. According to official sources, three months will have passed from the announcement of the “segmentation” in June until its implementation – in September.

During the week, the Government has already formalized the form (which will act as an affidavit) with the 16 items that the applicant will have to fill in to maintain the subsidy. The text has not yet been published on the official page provided for this procedure. All users wishing to keep the advantage must fill out the form. The only ones who will be exempt from completing them are those who believe they will accept the loss of state contributions.

The increases will be from September, but will apply to electricity and gas consumption from July, which is one of the coldest months of the year and in which there is greater demand for both public services. This is for higher-income families, what they consume in July and August is now of uncertain valuewhich will be known only in September. On that date, the surcharges will be charged in 3 bimonthly installments.

private schools

The taxes of the private schools of the Province will arrive in July with an average increase of 9% in July. The Axel Kicillof government has authorized this adjustment in the segment of non-state education that receives a subsidy to finance part or all of the payment of teachers’ salaries.

The increase is to compensate for the improvement granted to educators in the reopening of the municipality, more than a month ago. Hence, Kicillof agreed with the guilds incorporate an additional 10% over the previous agreement to achieve an annual improvement of over 60%.

But this must also be paid to the teachers and professors who work in the 4,280 privately run businesses. Nearly 1.2 million students attend and from July they will face higher fees.

The share for private schools will increase by an average of 9% in July.

The share for private schools will increase by an average of 9% in July.

In July, two increases authorized by the government will accumulate and in this way the parents or guardians will have to do it pay a monthly payment which will be 16.7% more than last month.

It happens that in April of this year an adjustment of 25% was made until September 2022, in a staggered scheme. As agreed by the authorities of the Provincial General Directorate of Schools with the bodies that group the educational institutions, the enrollment fees have applied a retroactive increase of 8% compared to March; another identical percentage from July and 9% in September.


The third installment of the authorized advance payment will be finalized in July. The commissions will increase by 4% in the month that begins, after the increase of 8% in May and 10% in June. These updates will be added to those already occurred in the first months of the year, with a 43% accumulated since the beginning of the current year.

Prepaid installments will increase by 4% in the seventh month of the year Photo: Shutterstock

Prepaid installments will increase by 4% in the seventh month of the year Photo: Shutterstock


Source: Clarin


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