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The crisis due to lack of diesel is worsening and is already affecting the entire country

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The crisis due to lack of diesel is worsening and is already affecting the entire country

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Carriers are threatening to protest again.

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In the last week of July no district of the national territory had a normal supply of diesel. For the first time there was not a single green light on the national fuel access map.

According to the register of technicians of the Argentine Federation of Freight Transport Enterprises (FADEEAC), Between June 25 and July 1, hauliers had varying degrees of problems accessing fuel in Argentina’s 24 provinces.

“It is the first time that green has completely disappeared from the Diesel Supply Map that we started preparing in April to show in real time the global situation of the issue in the country”, said the Federation, which raises the responses of drivers and truck owners of some of the 4,500 SMEs that make up the 44 Chambers of Transport grouped therein.

In detail, eleven provinces were found in redwith very little or no offer: Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Corrientes, Misiones, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Tucumán, Jujuy, Formosa, Mendoza and La Rioja.

For its part, San Luis presented an intense orangewith an average flow rate of between 21 and 50 liters per unit, cost overruns and significant delays in waiting times.

Río Negro, Neuquén, La Pampa, San Juan, Catamarca, Santiago del Estero, Salta, Chaco and CABA had one color orangewith sales ranging from 51 to 100 liters per unit, significant waiting times and price surcharges.

Meanwhile a yellow They were Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del with a lower than normal supply and slight delays in loading.

Map of the diesel supply from 25 July to 1 July 2022.

Map of the diesel supply from 25 July to 1 July 2022.

“Hopefully this was the hardest map in the series. According to what they told us, both large and small oil producers are already delivering product to oil companies to increase the cut with biodiesel.. This and the end of sowing and harvesting in the field would begin to bring some relief to hauliers looking for fuel, ”said Roberto Guarnieri, president of FADEEAC.

And he insisted on thisthe continuation of this scarcity scenario and the delay in the shipment of imported diesel fuel despite official announcements, accelerate price increases“.

From the freight transport sector “we have warned about the issue and we want to collaborate to moderate the negative effects deriving from the non-timely administration of policies, for this reason we reiterate that the setting up of working groups made up of representatives of the public and private sectors is urgently neededGuarnieri said.

In the previous report, which recorded what happened between 15 and 25 June, only the Tierra del Fuego appeared in green, a color that refers to the provinces that are not subject to any restrictions on supplies.

Up until that date, the Patagonian hydrocarbon provinces had managed to escape the lack of diesel. However, “the short blanket effect – diverting fuel from the south to try to compensate for the situation in more complicated regions – made the quotas appear there too and the waiting times for refueling were lengthened,” explained FADEEAC.

Considering that a truck needs on average between 35 and 40 liters to travel 100 km, “it’s easy to imagine production inefficiencies and cost overruns caused by quotas, which in some cases are 20 liters per unitassociated with long waits that have tripled the usual times for the same route “, they denounced.

In terms of prices, there is still a considerable dispersion according to the geographical area of ​​the country in question.

The issue becomes particularly relevant given the escalation of exchange rates in recent days. In this context, it is extremely necessary to maintain control of diesel prices, sinceIf the scarcity is compounded by uncertainty about the dollar price, the consequences can be very complex since the fuel market tends to immediately accompany the trading structure ”, they warned from the body.

Source: Clarin

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