Home Business In her first official act, Silvina Batakis was shown alongside the Christinist officials of Energy

In her first official act, Silvina Batakis was shown alongside the Christinist officials of Energy

In her first official act, Silvina Batakis was shown alongside the Christinist officials of Energy

In her first official act, Silvina Batakis was shown alongside the Christinist officials of Energy

Federico Basualdo and Agustín Gerez at the opening ceremony of the tender envelopes for the construction of the Vaca Muerta gas pipeline.

Economy Minister Silvina Batakis had its first official appearance in an act of form, beyond its own presupposition. But he was not the protagonist, but the guest.

Together with the Secretary of Energy Dario Martinezthe official attended the opening the envelopes with offers from companies wishing to participate in the construction of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline. This is a key race looking remove gas from the Vaca Muerta megacamp in Neuquén.

The host was Agostino Gerez, head of Energía Argentina, which led the event, led the engineering work, the supply of equipment and materials and the construction of the pipeline with the bidders. He also sat next to her Federico BasualdoUndersecretary for Electricity.

Federico Basualdo at the opening ceremony of the tender envelopes for the construction of the Vaca Muerta gas pipeline.

Federico Basualdo at the opening ceremony of the tender envelopes for the construction of the Vaca Muerta gas pipeline.

I celebrate teamwork Batakis said, I believe what we are doing today is teamwork“he said, possibly related to the jerks who had been among the team managing the energy area, who replies to Cristina Kirchner, and former minister Martín Guzmán.

The official stressed that “this work is essential for the next 30 years, it will bring energy, that is the cost of expenses; without energy there is no possibility of creating jobs, or company formation “.

And he winked at the private sector: “We must work together with the business sector, which is the one that from now on will generate direct and indirect jobs and that will accompany this economic growth”, he assured. .

Gerez had pointed out earlier that it was of “a historic day” for the project that will sail to Argentina and transform the energy matrix “.

And he recalled, in response to the criticism for delayswhich respects the stipulated schedule, “one day before the end of the 5 months” stipulated.

“We can say that we presented the environmental impact studies, we got the pipes in a state of full global uncertainty due to the armed conflict and The hiring process ends today. We understand that we have respected and pass the program that we have proposed, “he said.

“The only goal is to provide the country with a more solid matrix for the winter 2023 and begin to substitute imports, so that the state’s investment in subsidies does not increase, but rather diminish paying a cheaper gas price, “he added.

“The instructions that Alberto gave during the issuance of the DNU implies full confidence in our teams,” said Gerez, a kind of ironytaking into account the internal ones that have been in the team in the past in the energy issues.

development note

Source: Clarin


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