As in other areas of life, older adults turn to physical assistance in controlled settings. Population aging is also a growing business.
With the economic crisis and depreciated assets, the buildings have been specially set up as residences for the elderly they are becoming a new vein in the struggling real estate industry. Expert Alicia Moszkowski, with broad credentials in developing the shopping mall industry in the country, is a reference in what has been called the silver economy. “In the United States and Europe, nursing homes are an industry. There are multiple players, and the same player can have many residences, they are real chains in a developed world that has been on this path for more than 50 years. The potential of this new industry can provide more revenue to the state, more investments, new formal jobs and a higher level of service and an organic solution to the problem of aging, ”she stresses, warning that the state must encourage it. In her vision, before the middle of the century there will be more people over 65 than under 15. Worldwide, the number of births per woman has fallen from 4.6 to 2.5 in the last 50 years. In Argentina, which according to economist José María Fanelli is still recording a demographic bonus, there is also a relative growth in the share of people over 65 compared to the total. ORPEA, one of the leading chains in Europe, is coming to the region.
Uncertainties and distrust and complications due to restrictions on companies’ access to the foreign exchange market are the main problem identified by the Observatory of metallurgical activity carried out by the metallurgical sector of Córdoba. In line with Minister Batakis, they stressed that “it is counterproductive for the country to limit the access of companies to the foreign exchange market, putting production, employment and exports at risk, while scarce dollars are used for travel abroad, card payments. credit for purchases abroad or formation of foreign activities. This requires changes in the foreign exchange market, with some pattern of segmentation between trade in commodities, with a managed exchange rate, which would also allow for the accumulation of reserves in the BCRA, ”they proposed.
According to a Bain & Company study of 1,000 entrepreneurs, executives expect their companies to reduce carbon emissions by 28% by 2030 and believe the world will reach net zero by 2057. The energy transition was previously seen as a series of challenges that could compromise companies. . However, they are taking measures in the face of a rule that is becoming widespread and that could prevent, if not respected, access to the markets.
Marcellus Puig, born in Brazil, is the new president and CEO of Volkswagen in Argentina. The appointment was made public in the midst of Silvina Batakis’ arrival at the Ministry of Economy and as the industry was in full negotiation for the investment promotion law that got half the sanction in Congress. The executive will report to Pablo Di Si, the Argentine who is the executive president of Volkswagen in Latin America. Puig began his career at Volkswagen do Brasil in 1998, holding various positions in human resources.
Fishing is one of the most important economic activities in the country.s, represents up to 0.4% of GDP, generating more than 25 thousand direct jobs. Exports of fishery products have stabilized around 2,000 million dollars. Argentina ranks 21st among fishing countries and accounts for 1% of world catches. The most relevant species caught are the squid, the hake and the Patagonian shrimp. But the problem of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the Southwest Atlantic has reached dramatic levels in recent years. Complaints lodged mainly by NGOs warn that around 600 illegal fishing vessels operate on the fringes of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The Circle of Environmental Policies has made this situation public in a report that circulates throughout the political class.
Ernesto Fernández Machado (46) started out as an entrepreneur in the software sector. That technological knowledge later led him to acquire a small human capital company that became the CETA Group, which competes with multinationals they lead in temporary hires such as Adecco or Manpower. Fernández Machado says he differentiates himself as he addresses staffing needs in numerous industrial sectors, from petroleum, mining, renewable energy to the automotive sector, with process outsourcing. Recently, he added a business unit related to the provision of services to hotels and restaurants. CETA has offices in almost all GBAs, Cordoba, Salta and Tucumán and is expanding to the rest of the country. It has 4,000 collaborators.
Silvia Naishtat
Source: Clarin