Segmentation of rates, freezing of staff revenues to the state and reduction of spending, among the announcements of Batakis. Photo; Juan Mabromata / AFP
After the press conference by Economy Minister Silvina Batakis, who has only been in office for a week – she was appointed more than 24 hours after Martín Guzmán’s resignation – the repercussions were immediate. On the opposition side, they have gone from Javier Milei’s “chantas with an economist’s credentials” to Myriam Bregman’s “Silvina Georgieva” and moderation more on the side of radicalism and PRO. How the opposition took the measures announced by the official.
After the new Minister of Economy held a press conference with the guidelines with which he will try to get out of the crisis that has deepened with the surge in the dollar and inflationthe opposite arch looked up and flooded the nets with his comments.
What the opposition said
Juan Manuel López, head of the Civic Coalition bloc: “The route is the same as the one traced by Guzmán. The good news: there will be no new taxes, no new spending, no withholding taxes, no universal wages. The bad: there is no plan.
Another CC MP, Hernán Reyes, commented: “We are tired of the whims of the government. From the first day, when Alberto decided to cancel the National Competition Defense Authority, we have denounced and made presentations. Two and a half years later, Batakis decides to hold a competition to integrate it “. And he concluded: “Good news, yes. It took too long and it was very expensive for the Argentines. Worse: they create it thinking they are going against the private sector, but the one that generated the most distortions in the competitive market was the government itself “.
For his part, the economist and deputy of Together for Change, Luciano Laspina, stressed that national public spending “He is a multi-headed monster that cannot be controlled by sitting on the box”. And he warned that “it is controlled by law-based structural reforms.”
For Myriam Bregman, “(Martin) Guzman is happy.” The left-wing deputy spoke via Twitter while Silvina Batakis announced at a press conference that the objectives agreed with the IMF “to remain”.
From his Twitter account, he questioned the continuity between Martín Guzmán and Silvina Batakis. “Silvina Georgiev”renamed.
In another line of things, the Buenos Aires woman assured that the messages are for “the markets”. Furthermore, Bregman assured to celebrate the announcement of Batakis, while the proposed freezing of income in the state is a cruel measure Why “It means that there will be no more doctors or nurses at Posadas hospital, for example”.
“There is a new economic team and we hope they will find their way soon, for the good of all”, indicated Cristian Ritondo, National Deputy of the Province of Buenos Aires and President of the PRO Block. And in this sense he added: “It would be a good sign if they stop blaming the war for mistakes that are theirs 100% and try to raise taxes to cover the deficit, we won’t allow it”
For Martín Tetaz, deputy of Together for Change: “It is a lie that inflation has tripled around the world as a result of the war. The economist denied the start of Silvina Batakis’ conference, in which the official warned that Argentina is no stranger to the context of war the world is experiencing.
“In favor of @sbatakis: his attention to the fiscal balance and positive rates, “he warned.. And I add: “Now we have to lower it to the ground; what will happen when @dariomartinezpj asks for more money for subsidies? How much are BCRA willing to raise rates? “
For the left-wing deputy, Nicolás del Caño, everything remains the same: “That Guzmán looked at them badly, who resigned without asking the president, etc. In the end, the important thing is that after a week Batakis announced a plan to do what Guzmán had agreed with the IMF. For workers: more adaptation “.
Also, Del Caño continued with a few more comments. “After a week in which prices have been raised with everything … the government says it will continue as agreed with the IMF, with further adjustments against the people. The rest is pure verse.”
Another who did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate was Rodrigo de Loredo, president of the Evolución block in the Chamber of Deputies: “Creative accounting to further increase spending”She said.
Referring to the reform of the Law on Financial Administration, De Loredo thought so “an accounting device that would allow them to increase public spending even more”. And he added: “The announcement consists in adopting a single accounting system so that all the expenses of the ministries and state-owned companies go out of a central box. In this way the national public administration will have to work on the efficiency of its expenses.”
In this regard, the radical deputy expressed: “The reform of the law on financial administration hides an accounting contraption this would allow the centralized accounting of the national government to increase spending by 0.3% of GDP ”.
“So, the total sum of these revenues is 600 billion pesos, which represents 0.8% of GDP. To achieve the Fund’s objectives, the deficit must be reduced by 0.5% for this year. That is to say, on the basis of this form of accounting, even if the expenditure has increased by 0.3% but by including in the accounting the revenues of all the organizations that were not previously taken into account, it is intended to consider the objectives achieved, but in a fictitious way, “he stressed. Finally, he said: “With this announcement, what we mean is hiding a mountain under the carpet.”
Source: Clarin