Home Business Daniel Filmus: “We can imagine a different future for Argentina”

Daniel Filmus: “We can imagine a different future for Argentina”

Daniel Filmus: “We can imagine a different future for Argentina”

Daniel Filmus:

Filmus together with Béliz in the Democracy and Development cycle. Photo Maxi Failla.

Daniel Filmus, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, participates this Tuesday in the Democracy and Development cycle, organized by Clarín, where he remarked that “there is no possibility of scientific and technological development without a medium-long term state policy”.

The official hoped that thanks to initiatives such as the Law on Funding for Science and Technology Fr.that they think of a better horizon for the country.

“We can imagine a different future for Argentina,” noted Filmus. At the same time, he stressed the importance of developing science and technology based on the experience of the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition to the national official, participating this Tuesday at the first table entitled “The necessary framework”, the head of the government of the city of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta; the Secretary for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency, Gustavo Beliz; the national deputy Luciano Laspina; and the president of Argencon, Sebastián Mocorrea.

The second part of the meeting is dedicated to the protagonists of the sector. Argentina has already spawned 12 tech unicorns, companies worth more than $ 1 billion. This segment will be attended by the founders of some of the most important companies in the sector: Martín Migoya, from Globant; Alex Oxenford of DeRemate, OLX, Alpha Capital and LetGo; and Emiliano Kargieman, of Satellogic.

Also Juan Martín de la Serna, president of the Mercado Libre Argentina; Damián Scokin, CEO of Despegar; Wanda Weigert, Executive Director of Globant Argentina, and Marcelo Carrique, President of Bioceres.

“Knowledge economy for development” is the theme that will be addressed in the third chapter of the “Democracy and development” cycle of this 2022, organized by Clarín, which will take place on Tuesday 14 June.

This is the fourth edition of “Democracy and Development”. Like the previous ones, it will be in the Malba auditorium. This year will be a cycle of 7 events on what consensus the country must reach to achieve sustained growth that values ​​and is fueled by exports and supports the internal market.

News in development

Source: Clarin


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