Home Business Electricity and gas rates: how to request an appointment with Anses to register and not lose the subsidy

Electricity and gas rates: how to request an appointment with Anses to register and not lose the subsidy

Electricity and gas rates: how to request an appointment with Anses to register and not lose the subsidy

Electricity and gas rates: how to request an appointment with Anses to register and not lose the subsidy

Registration for rate segmentation began on Friday and will be available online until July 26.

This Friday the Government presented the form to be filled out in order not to lose the contribution for the electricity and gas tariffs.

The new rates will take effect in August and users have from July 15 to July 30 to register

The Energy subsidies access register (RASE) will form the list of beneficiaries of the grant scheme on the basis of art Jurisdictions declared sent by users (it is not necessary to attach any documents).

Interested parties can too upload your data online in the registration form found in the following link or request the passage through the National Administration of Social Security (ANSeS), through this other site.

There are special days to upload data online, depending on the completion of the DNI. There will be three days for each completion.

Tariff segmentation

Tariff segmentation

Can also ask for your turn by entering the ANSeS website (https://www.anses.gob.ar/), and in the center of the page click on “turns”. Keep in mind that you have to first validate the data so that the organization has the user’s mail and phone number. And, if it hasn’t been done before, you have to do it generate a key because of this.

Anses page, how to ask for shifts.

Anses page, how to ask for shifts.

A list of the procedures that can be carried out in the pension agency will appear on the ANSES page. appears last “Energy segmentation”.

Tariff segmentation, movements in the Anses.

Tariff segmentation, movements in the Anses.

There users will find a notice stating that “all people who want to continue receiving the contribution for the services must register, including pensioners, pensions, universal allowance for daughter and / or child (AUH), pregnancy allowance for social protection, job advancement or promotion. “

There is also an explanation of what segmentation is, an option to register online (https://www.argentina.gob.ar/sussidios) and a button to request the shift for complete the registration in person at the Anses offices. Clicking on that button opens another page where you will have to write the CUIL and a security code (captcha) in which you have to respect the uppercase and lowercase letters.

Anses page to request an appointment for the segmentation of rates.

Anses page to request an appointment for the segmentation of rates.

Once this step is done, a new page will open showing the user’s name and contact information of the user who has ANSES. If ANSES does not have the data, the spaces will be empty and you will have to go to “MiAnses” to complete them.

Anses page to request an appointment for the segmentation of rates

Anses page to request an appointment for the segmentation of rates

Once this instance is finished, the different Anses offices will appear with the available schedules. Late Friday, the first round that was obtained was for Monday 25th (they give up until the 29th). Once you have chosen the venue, the different options for dates and times will appear, starting at 8:00 and ending at 13:50.

Keep in mind that on the day of the shift you must go to the ANSeS office with:

  • The last bill for the gas or electricity service o the following information: meter number and Customer / Service / Account / Contract or NIS number which can be found on the electricity and natural gas bill for the network.
  • The last copy of your ID, Civic or inscription book.
  • The CUIL number of each member of the family unit over the age of 18.
  • The data of the pocket income themselves and each family member over the age of 18.
  • An e-mail address at which ANSES can be contacted.
  • If there is a community dining room or picnic area registered in ReNaCOM at the service address, they must have the registration number on it.

User categories

There will be three levels of users. The government has made it clear that for the rest of the year no one will remain without any subsidized part, as it will be gradually withdrawn.

Tall: Total monthly household income exceeding $ 333,000 pesos (the equivalent of 3.5 basic type 2 baskets according to INDEC), with 3 or more vehicles under the age of 5, 3 or more properties or a boat or aircraft.

Medium: total monthly household income greater than 1.5 baskets but less than 3 basic type 2 baskets according to INDEC, having no more than 3 properties and not owning 2 or more vehicles under the age of 5.

Social: this group claims to have a total monthly household income equivalent to 1 basic basket of type 2 according to INDEC, to have less than 2 properties or to own none and not to have a vehicle under the age of 3 years.


Source: Clarin


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