Retirements: they extend the moratorium for women that expired this Saturday

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Retirements: they extend the moratorium for women that expired this Saturday

Mariano Vior illustration

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Government decided to extend the moratorium, which expires this Saturday, July 23, which allows women to complete 30 years of contributions to retire.

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The decision was decided by the president Alberto Fernandez, in the meeting with the head of ANSeS, Fernanda Raverta and, in principle, was taken until the approval of the project by the Congress with the sanction of the senators of the “payment of the pension debt” which replaces it.

The terms of the extension will be announced in the coming days through a General Resolution of the ANSeS.

In this way the government put an end to doubts about the extension of the moratorium following the decision by Minister Silvina Batakis to centralize all state savings banks and that each organization’s share of the budget is limited to the availability of cash. And meet the next IMF oppose “pension inclusions” without having 30 years of actual contributions.

Is that if it were not extended, most women reaching 60 years of age (one of the requirements for retirement) You will not be able to do this because you do not have 30 years of contributions. And they will not be able to access the Universal Senior Adult Benefit (PUAM), as the age of 65 is required to receive 80% of the minimum pension.

In fact there would be an effective extension of the retirement age for women (5 years) and a reduction in the monthly credit.

Fernanda Raverta said Clarione that “we extend the conditions of the current moratorium to avoid a temporary hole. We have expectations in the law that is up for discussion in Congress and that already has half the Senate sanction. But we know the importance of continuing to guarantee access to Social Security while the debate is taking place and the different opinions of the political forces that make up the Chamber are expressed ”.

Raverta added that “this temporary extension ensures that the tradition born in 2004 of arguing that all citizens can retire, pending a new pension debt regularization policy, is not interrupted”.

The current moratorium on women (law 26.970) allows those who have it between 60 and 64 years old, they reach 30 years of contribution for non-regular services from the age of 18 until December 2003.

According to social security data, in 2021 222,805 people retired using the moratorium and between January and May 96,193 people, in both cases almost half of the total pension enrollments.

In turn, «the average of the first 3 months of 2022 shows that the 65% of pension registrations corresponded to benefits due to the moratorium (of which three quarters by Law 26,970 and the rest by Law 24,476) ”, according to an ANSeS Report.

The Report also specifies that, if the current moratorium is not extended or a new one is approved, nine out of 10 women between the ages of 55 and 59 and seven out of 10 men between the ages of 60 and 64, upon reaching retirement age ( 60 years for women, 65 years for men) will not be able to retire because they will not reach the required 30 years of contributions.

To a greater extent, women are more affected by unregistered work and unemployment.

Due to the moratorium of Law 26.970, women can retire at the age of 60 (born in 1962) by regularizing their contribution years until 2003. Therefore, a woman who has turned 18 in 1980 can justify 23 years of contributions and must have 7 years between actual contributions after that date and services for care tasks (children).

Meanwhile, men and women have another moratorium law (law 24,476), which it is permanent and allows the regularization of services until 30 September 1993. It is more difficult to access it because it implies the regularization of fewer years of unpaid contributions.

The project sanctioned by the Senate is intended for people who have already reached or will reach retirement age in the next 2 years (60 years for women / 65 years for men) and do not have 30 years of contributions.

It allows to regularize the missing periods up to December 2008 through the “purchase” of the missing years, which will be deducted up to 120 installments of the old-age credit obtained.

Source: Clarin

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