Home Business The green ladder: how much do the 10 dollars that exist in Argentina sell for?

The green ladder: how much do the 10 dollars that exist in Argentina sell for?

The green ladder: how much do the 10 dollars that exist in Argentina sell for?

The green ladder: how much do the 10 dollars that exist in Argentina sell for?

There are ten types of dollars in Argentina.

With the dollar’s imminent debut for foreign tourists, in Argentina’s economy, shaken by foreign exchange turbulence, at least ten different quotes for US currency. They range from the peak of $ 337 from blue dollar to $ 91 of the soybean dollar that exporters receive after withholding.

From the highest to the lowest are the prices of the dollars living on the market today.

Blue dollar at $ 337

It is the informal exchange rate that determines the pace of the exchange rate rush that the economy has been facing in recent weeks. Trees, caves, hotels, shops are some of the places where you can access the free dollar. So far in July, blue has jumped from 98 pesos.

CCL dollar at $ 330

The dollar counted with cash or CCL is how companies use to dollarize. To access this dollar, bonds or stocks are bought in pesos and then sold in dollars which are deposited overseas. With the difficulties of importers in accessing the official dollar, the CCL begins to become the reference for prices.

Foreign Tourist Dollar at $ 325

To try and capture some of the foreign tourism dollars that are pouring into the blue, the government has established a preferential exchange rate for foreign tourists. The price will be that “which arises from the operations of the financial market”, that is, close to the MEP dollar and the CCL.

MEP dollar at $ 321

The MEP dollar is what savers can access – without quotas – through the stock market by buying stocks in pesos and then selling them in dollars.

Dollar card $ 238

It is the rate at which expenses abroad or payment for services in dollars by credit or debit card are settled. A 30% surcharge is added to the retail dollar price for PAIS tax payment plus another 45% as an upfront income tax payment. There are no spending limits beyond those set by each bank based on the customer’s income.

Savings of dollars at $ 224

It is the price at which banks sell bills to their customers with a monthly fee of US $ 200. With the exchange rate, only a small fraction of savers are allowed to buy savings dollars. It is the retail dollar plus tax, in this case with 30% PAIS tax and 35% profit.

Free shop for $ 136 dollars

In the free shops located in Argentine airports, purchases are made at the retail dollar value, without the PAIS tax surcharges or 35% of earnings. The Central Bank has recently ruled that these purchases can no longer be financed in installments in pesos without interest, as was the case up to three weeks ago.

Wholesale dollar at $ 129

The wholesale exchange rate is what is negotiated on the official market and to which banks and importers have access, albeit with increasing restrictions.

Dollar of cereal at $ 145

Exporters of wheat and corn pay the wholesale dollar and face a 12% withholding rate, which leaves that price at $ 145.

Soybean dollar at $ 91

Exporters settle their operations at the wholesale exchange rate, today at $ 129. Export withholdings of 33% are applied to this value, which brings the soybean dollar to $ 91. The rest of the exporters have to cope. to lower withholdings. Yesterday it emerged that the government is considering giving agro-exporters a 40% higher exchange rate to encourage them to pay back the harvest.


Source: Clarin


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