Home Business How companies should prepare for the generational change

How companies should prepare for the generational change

How companies should prepare for the generational change

How companies should prepare for the generational change

The university courses of young people are changing and, after the age of 230, they will already be the majority in companies.


Ferdinand Elia

Vice-president of the Municipal Bank


The new generation, the young, it’s incubating another footprint, very different from that of its predecessors. He stands out in universities, at work and approaches politics.

They herald a 2030 in which institutions will not represent anything by themselves, if they are not first validated to be respected.

Laptop and mobile phone, an unbeatable combination in new ways of working.

Laptop and mobile phone, an unbeatable combination in new ways of working.

In which the old trade union axiom “for equal work, equal pay”, is already changing into “gender equality, equal pay”, and where giving up a job or giving way to a lady does not distinguish a gentleman, if first society it does not guarantee equal opportunities regardless of gender.

Pending the results of the census, from the INDEC data processed by the Institute for Work and Social Studies (IDELAS), belonging to the University of Economics and Social Sciences, it emerges that almost 14 million young people up to 29 years are preparing to replace, from 2030, the more than 8 million currently listed in 50 years.

The mathematical projection of the population pyramid would say that, statistically, there would be another 6 million young people free to compete for the place currently occupied by the 5.2 million registered between the ages of 40 and 50.

We refer to both jobs and managementin case the country doesn’t really grow.

This is no small problem when hypothesizing the influences that would emerge from the recent census: it is already known that 47.05 percent are men and 52.83 are women, with 0.12 percent not associated with any of them. these two sexes.

What are young people preparing for the transfer doing today?

The university’s menu is very extensive and varied. More than 2 million kids who have finished high school and intend to continue they have 11,245 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses to choose from which are taught in 131 public and private universities across the country.

To get an updated idea of ​​the inclinations, in the last CBC the number of students who took it for computer engineering, computer science, data science, business and medicine grew compared to the previous year.

The classics of law and the social sciences were comparatively relegated.

Young people know this well investing no less than four years in a university degree should offer them a job opportunity or professional which ensures them a good future expense.

The typical painting with the title hanging in the family living room, “to be someone”, has been filed in the attic of memories.

That “good time” is no longer just about getting enough compensation to have a car, save money, travel or access a home. Even accumulating years of seniority in a name company has ceased to be an incentive.

It is a global trend from which Argentines, despite economic distortions, are not exempt.

Thus, a survey that included 33,000 workers from 17 countries, the People at Work 2022: A Global Workforce View report from the ADP® Research Institute, shows that three-quarters of those consulted you are willing to quit your job if you find that the company has an unfair pay gapby gender or by lack of a diversity and inclusion policy.

The women are the ones who support it the most, and especially young people feel it: 77.5 percent of the Argentine chapter of certification proved the most determined to seek a new job rather than unwittingly participate in discrimination.

In a recent dialogue between the head of the city government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and the Minister of Science and Technology, Daniel Filmus, in the Democracy and Development cycle organized by ClarioneAnother concern has come to light that involves young graduates: the temptation to go and settle in another country to develop the acquired talent and build a future in a place that guarantees stability to grow and respect for their personal rights.

In the current People management (former Human Resources Offices) of the companies in the country they can attest to these requests, not only wage equity, but ethical or cultural equity.

The ethical and moral behavior of corporations, like that of institutions, is under the control of young people, who demand that these pillars of society be those that prove to be at the forefront of good practice.

For the youth of 2030 equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion they go far beyond all slogans and appearances.

The current leadership will have to become aware of the nascent generational change e the imperative need to recreate the conditions to excite that talented young man with a future in our country. It is not seen beyond the speeches.

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Source: Clarin


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