Home Business Letter from Christian entrepreneurs to the government and the opposition: they ask for dialogue and solutions

Letter from Christian entrepreneurs to the government and the opposition: they ask for dialogue and solutions

Letter from Christian entrepreneurs to the government and the opposition: they ask for dialogue and solutions

Letter from Christian entrepreneurs to the government and the opposition: they ask for dialogue and solutions

ACDE president Gonzalo Tanoira

In the midst of Sergio Massa’s arrival to the government, the entrepreneurs have gathered in the Christian Association of Business Managers, which brings together some of the companies with the highest turnover they asked for dialogue and solutions from the government and the opposition. They did it in a letter. Here’s what they highlighted:

  • “Aware of our responsibility as Christian businessmen and leaders, we want to express ourselves and invite all decision makers to reflect. In particular to the highest government authorities, but also to the entire political arc as well as corporate, union and social leaders. We understand that silencing our feelings and thinking about the situation our society is experiencing would be a cowardly attitude “.
  • “We Argentines have experience in crises: we have suffered them over and over again over the years and we have painfully learned how they originate, how they develop and harsh consequences that start, with increasingly poor and abandoned families, with no possibility of return.
  • “Inflation is a harmful mechanism and perverse that we should eradicate forever because it damages the dignity of the person, destroys coexistence and promotes inequality.
  • “In this context, the Christian Association of Business Leaders (ACDE) and the ACIERA Corporate and Institutional Relations Department invite the reflection and dialogue for the joint search for solutions, which are sometimes known but not implemented due to lack of will and agreement.
  • “When we start looking for culprits and threatening economic actors, we lose mutual trust. We must be aware that this cost the society with the most poverty and marginalization will pay for it.
  • “This is why we ask: · the Government to take decisions that give certainty to economic actors; · to the opposition that, Given the gravity of the situation, do not speculate with electoral benefits or give in to the temptation of revenge; · The heads of the state apparatus – of Justice, Security, Health, Education, Provinces, Municipalities, etc. – who are equal to the responsibility conferred; · To social and union leaders, responsibility and moderation to avoid greater evils for their constituents; · To our compatriots, not to fall into dramatic or pessimistic expressions that distance peaceful solutions; that they do not lose hope, that they do not give up, and businessmen, that we fulfill our duty, that we avoid taking advantage of widespread misfortunes and that we do the necessary introspection to avoid falling into shortcuts and easy practices that are at odds with professional ethics.
  • “The nation needs each of us, but also, as a society, we need respect for the truth and exemplary conduct on the part of our leaders.
  • “Respect for our Constitution, in its letter and in its spirit, is a necessary first step for this.

Source: Clarin


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