The 3 reasons that explain the decline of the blue dollar and that have nothing to do with Massa, according to Javier Milei

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The 3 reasons that explain the decline of the blue dollar and that have nothing to do with Massa, according to Javier Milei

What Javier Milei said about the drop in the dollar. Photo: JUAN JOSE GARCIA

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The blue dollar came with a significant rise to the upside until it was confirmed that Sergio Massa would be the new economy minister and the luck changed. Luck has since changed and has begun to decline. In three consecutive rounds, he has already lost $ 44 and stands at $ 282, a low since July 12, from the $ 326 he had been in previously. In the midst of this context, liberal economist Javier Milei has provided three reasons why the parallel decline.

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The credit that Sergio Massa has is still awaiting the economic announcements, which will arrive on Wednesday once the tiger takes on its new functions.

Why is the blue dollar falling, Javier? was the off-screen question a prepared Milei received in front of the camera. The response was immediate: “Look, basically the dollar fell due to three factors”he replied in a video that he uploaded to his TikTok account.

“First, from the logic of the financial markets, They are used to it buy on the item and sell on the newstherefore any change coming from Dracula-Batakis obviously gave him a potential revival ”, assured the deputy of La Libertad Avanza.

On the other hand, second, claimed that “the price of government bonds they were trading with a 17% disparity, when for example Sri Lanka, which was just defaulting they trade between 40 and 50% “. For this reason, according to Milei,” they could bounce easily and that bounce is just what happens. “

And finally, he explained that “as if all this were not enough, there is a phenomenon in terms of exchange called overshooting (overreaction), where, for example, in 2002 the exchange went up to 4 dollars and then dropped to 2, 80 dollars. This means that they are all market movements, Massa is nothing “.

“Long live freedom, damned!”, He concluded.

What Javier Milei said when he learned of Massa’s arrival in Economy

This was stated by the national deputy of La Libertad Avanza, even if the ruling party appoints Economy Minister “Hayek, Rothbard, Adam Smith and all the best (economists) of history, with this government they will fail “, since, according to him,”it is childish for politicians to believe that this can be fixed with politics ”.

“All things are defined so that all of this ends in the worst way,” was another of his controversial phrases after learning of the news he said about Cadena 3.

In this sense, he also warned that “credibility and reputation are necessary for the success of an economic program”. “What is the reputation of Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner and these whippersnappers? When he starts adjusting the policy, he has no intention of cashing it and will throw in the towel.

“Massa understands that if this explodes, he wears it too”he stressed. And she added: “Between the useless Alberto and the ignorant people who surround Cristina, he prefers, if he wants to succumb in this political adventure, at least do it in boots”.


Source: Clarin

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