One of the latest debates in the Democracy and Development cycle, by Clarín, with a jury of leading economists.
In 2021, the agricultural sector exported 54,000 million dollars, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture. It was 40% more than the previous year. Y so far in 2022, overseas sales are growing another 20% in dollars. Cereals and soy lead the ranking, in which meat and dairy products also weigh. They are products that contain technology, manpower and added value. But whose production and external sale it could grow even more.
The next meeting of the Democracy and Development cycle convened by Clarínin which there are great businessmen of the sector, the main representatives of the producers and officials of the area They will analyze how to promote the sector that brings the most foreign currency to the country. It will be Tuesday, at Malba.
This year, the cycle aims to discuss how to get Argentina back on the road to development.
The first three meetings have already taken place. In the first, on May 17, they analyzed the basis for growth, with one table focusing on economics and another on legal certainty. The second was on June 16 and was busy human and physical capital, education and necessary infrastructure for the development. The third, on July 12, was a debate on How to promote the knowledge economy.
It is the fourth edition of the Democracy and Development cycle, which this year is focusing on “The engines of Argentine growth”. It is sponsored by Pan American Energy, Techint, Globant, Banco Macro and Telecom.
Those who want to participate can register at this link.

The fourth edition of the Democracy and Development cycle focuses on the theme “The engines of Argentine growth”.
Axes and exhibitors
The fourth speech on Democracy and Development, called Agroindustry for development, will be held next Tuesday, August 9th. Like the previous ones, it will be in the auditorium of the Malba Museum.
It will be a first table, entitled “Agricultural products and their supply chains”. Agricultural products have a high added value. They include technology, input and manpower. But also, when exported, they add more value. For example, if $ 2,800 million of soybeans are exported, exports of soybean derivatives exceed $ 18,000 million.
The discussion is how to increase these exports and continue to add value to them. Y how to promote other areassuch as wine, fruit or finished foods.
This debate will be attended by representatives of various associations that bring together producers and industrialists in the sector. First the phone call Complete connection table: Nicola Pinoof the Argentine Rural Society (SRA); Jorge Chemesthe Argentine Rural Confederations (CRA); Carlos Iannizzottoby Coninagro, e Carlos Achatoniof the Argentine Agricultural Federation.
They will also exhibit, through the meat supply chain, Mario Ravettino, from ABC Refrigerators; for soy Luis Zubizarreta, from AcSoja and CARBIO; for corn, Pietro Vigneau, de Maizar; Y Pilu Giraudoby Aapresid and the Rural Women’s Network.
The second part of the meeting is dedicated to the debate on whether the country can be the supermarket of the world. Excluding cereals, oilseeds and their derivatives, Argentina’s food exports exceed $ 10 billion. But manufacturers often face challenges to open and sustain new markets, invest in technology, and build brand recognition overseas.

One of this year’s debates in the Democracy and Development cycle, in the auditorium of the Malba Museum.
in this segment entrepreneurs will participate from some of the most representative industries in the sector: Roberto Urquiaby the General Deheza Oil Company; Martin Otero Monsegurfrom Citricola San Miguel; Adolfo Stornifrom Extraberries; Ignazio Noel, from Morixe; Y Alessandro Vegliaof the Catena Zapata winery.
The event ends with a third table on “Sector promotion policies”, as the campaign is the country’s main currency generator, but this places it at the center of the political and economic and fiscal debate. Furthermore, the world today is facing a food crisis due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Argentina which could be part of the solution to that question. But for this, clear and sustainable policies are needed, based on a consensus that goes beyond government changes.
Juan José Bahillo, Secretary of Agriculture of the Nation, will participate in this table; Gustavo Bordotgovernor of Entre Ríos; Oscar Herrera Ahuadgovernor of Misiones; Manuel Otero, director of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture; Y Richard Buryaillenational deputy, president of the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and former minister of the sector.
The Democracy and Development cycle it will continue with the tables on the other productive sectors that can boost the country’s growth through the generation of exports, foreign currency and employment: oil, energy, mining and industry.
These are areas in which the country has advantages and has shown its capacity for innovation. But they undoubtedly require macroeconomics, institutional settings and the quality of education as platforms to unfold their full potential and competitiveness.
Source: Clarin