Budget 2023: “unprecedented” increase in credits for Education, Work and Solidarity

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In Les Echos, the Minister of Public Accounts detailed budget increases for several ministries.

The Government wants to increase by 12,500 million euros, an “unprecedented increase of 11.4%”, the credits allocated in the 2023 budget to Education, Labor and Solidarity, announces the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, in an interview which will be published this Monday in Les Ecos.

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National Education “will benefit from a historical increase (+3,600 million) in its credits. The President of the Republic’s commitment to maintain the salary increase will be maintained and no teacher will enter the career for less than 2,000 euros net”, continues Mr. Attal.

Armies and Justice well endowed

The “sovereign bloc” that includes the Ministries of Defense, Interior, Justice and Foreign Affairs is not left out, the minister also assures, with an increased budget of “6,100 million euros”.

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“The Justice budget will benefit from an additional increase of 8%, after two years of increases of the same amounts, to continue with the hiring of new magistrates and respect the plans for the construction of new penitentiary places,” he assures. yet.

What balance?

As for the Ministries of Environmental Transition, Territorial Cohesion and Agriculture, “they will have an additional 3,300 million euros”.

Mr. Attal, on the other hand, does not provide any details on the savings projects that will have to be done to balance this budget.

“The document (…) establishes that the allocations of the State budget will amount to 339,000 million euros in 2023, that is, a virtual stability in value with respect to the level after the reform of the finance law, and a decrease of 2, 5% by volume. will allow us to meet the deficit target of 5% of GDP next year while financing our priorities”, he advances.

Author: LT with AFP
Source: BFM TV

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