The Government’s relationship with the campaign: Sergio Massa will meet this Friday with the liaison table

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The Government's relationship with the campaign: Sergio Massa will meet this Friday with the liaison table

Sergio Massa meets tomorrow with the liaison table. Photo: Reuters

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Finally, this Friday will be held the expected meeting between the new Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa and the Liaison Table of the field. Juan José Bahillo will also participate, the current Secretary of Agriculture of the Nation.

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The the meeting will take place at noon in the Buenos Aires match of General Las Heras, but the exact location of the meeting has not yet been revealed.

The call was originally scheduled for Friday of last week, but had been postponed by the government. On that occasion, Bahillo had informed the leaders that at the date in question it was not possible for Massa to participate due to “overload of programs”.

On the eve of the postponed meeting, the leaders of the camp were aligned in the main emergenciesand the issues that received the most acute definitions were those relating to macroeconomics and the contribution that agriculture can make to overcome the crisis.

“Basic macroeconomic problems have to be solved because it is very difficult to work with 60 or 70 percent inflation. It is also essential to avoid all these problems such as export duties, two exchange rates or trusts. These things do not help anything. to project ourselves “, he stressed Nicola Pino, president of the Rural Society, during a speech given on Tuesday as part of the Democracy and Development cycle organized by Clarín.

The Liaison Table of Agricultural Entities seeks to regain political leadership in the sector with a new strategy, goes from protest to proposal, but this does not mean he will put aside his claims against the national government. “We have gone from a policy of protest to a policy of proposals,” said Carlos Iannizzotto, president of Coninagro at the same meeting.

A few days after Sergio Massa took office at the helm of the Palazzo del Tesoro, in the midst of the climate of tension that the countryside is experiencing with the Government, the agricultural leaders had celebrated the summons of the new Minister of Economy, but they anticipated that they don’t want “photo encounters, but productive encounters”.

In recent days, the government has promoted membership of the “soybean dollar” and ensured it this Wednesday the first adhesions to that operation would be made which improves the exchange rate at which grain exports are regulated. The measure presented by the Central Bank two weeks ago allows producers to access 30% of the harvest at an exchange rate of 230 dollars and the remaining 70% deposits it in a linked dollar savings account, linked to the official price of the currency.

Official spokespersons said a cooperative bank notified several branches about the operation of the “soybean dollar” scheme and this Wednesday it went into effect. a dozen transactions with an average value of $ 5 million. The operations would have focused on capturing the dollars offered for 30% of the pesos obtained and there would have been no requests to open special sight accounts, which remunerate deposits daily at the rate of evolution of the official exchange rate.

The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) also ordered facilities for grain exporters on the conditions for pre-financing and advances on such external sales. In this sense, agribusiness would earn an extra $ 1 billion in the coming weeks, for exports of cereals and by-products. According to Gustavo Idígoras, President of the Argentine Chamber of Oil Industry and the Center of Grain Exporters (CIARA-CEC), this flow is additional to the usual agreements and would be obtained through the implementation of a dollar letterannounced a week ago by the BCRA

In Massa’s team, they seek these measures to generate incentives for agricultural producers to get rid of the grains they keep in a time when the exchange rate differential exceeds 100% and withholding taxes on oil seeds reach 33%.

The meeting of the Minister of Economy and the Secretary of Agriculture with the Liaison Table will try to bring the positions closer together in the pursuit of these objectives. The Government hopes that among the various export sectors with a major role in agribusiness, they will be liquidated $ 5,000 million between August and Septemberto control various exchange rates and consequently reduce inflation rates.

Source: Clarin

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