Flavia Royón, on the increase in tariffs: “They try to restore fiscal order and fight inflation”

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Flavia Royón, on the increase in fares:

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Flavia Royón, Secretary of Energy, avoided referring to a “tariff increase”.

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Flavia Royón, appointed just over a week ago as Secretary of Energy after the departure of Darío Martínez, on Wednesday explored a sensitive issue such as the increase in tariffs and said that the main objective of this measure is “maintaining fiscal order and fighting inflation“.

A day after the government announced tariff increases due to the new segmentation scheme, Royón gave an interview on TN to provide details of the plan, even though he made it clear that “it is not easy to explain”.

Like the head of Aysa, Malena Galmarini, she avoided referring to “an increase in tariffs”. Instead, she spoke of “a subsidy adjustment“and of” a fairer rate plan which is part of the tax ordinance that (Sergio) Massa has as its objective “.

“The aim is that those sectors with lower incomes and social rates do not suffer increases, and so on anyone who can afford the cost of energy does it. And that the readjustment takes place in stages “, she specified.

Flavia Royón, secretary all

Flavia Royón, Secretary of Energy, avoided referring to a “tariff increase”.

In this sense, he insisted: “We are working conscientiously so that the readjustment is based on a system of fair tariffs. May the State continue accompanying those in need. Social tariffs and low-income families will not suffer increases “.

With regard to support for the provision within the ruling party, he highlighted: “With Cristina Kirchner I didn’t have the opportunity to speak directly, but it was a measure promoted by Massa and I understand that he has the political support to do so. “

“It is a measure that is part of Minister Massa’s plan to try bring fiscal order and fight this tax which ends up being the most unfair of all, which is inflation. No new increases are expected for these three quarters“, to complete.

Finally, he outlined an encouraging scenario for 2023: “Our projections say that the cost of energy will tend to drop in the summer, and next year conditions are good and work is underway to finish the Néstor Kirchner pipeline, which will reduce the fuel imports next year “.

Flavia Royón is from Salta and before disembarking in Nación, she worked as the secretary for the mining and energy industry in Salta since May 2021. She also chairs the Provincial Economic and Social Council and was previously the director of financing and promotion. of the province’s investments. She was integrated in the cabinet of Alberto Fernández da MassaMinister of Economy and close to Governor Gustavo Sáenz of Salta.

Royón’s embarrassing moment when he explains what a gas bill is like

In his first press conference as Secretary of Energy, Royón had to apologize unaware of the gas bill announcing the rate increase. “I’m from Salta, sorry, I don’t know what it’s like here“, he justified himself in the void that generated a question.

The awkward moment of the official happened this Tuesday when, accompanied by her team, she announced the removal of subsidies to energy services and consumption caps. A measure that aims to save around 500,000 million dollars.

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Source: Clarin

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