Children’s day: how to take out ANSeS loans to buy gifts

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Children's day: how to take out ANSeS loans to buy gifts

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Children’s Day, what resources does ANSeS use to give gifts to the little ones. Photo: Shutterstock.

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Next Sunday, 21 August, Children’s Day is celebrated, better known as Children’s Day, an event much awaited by the little ones. As a result of this event, ANSeS offers credits for the purchase of gifts. Which group benefits and how to join.

The organization led by Fernanda Raverta offers a series of fractional loans in five lines depending on the beneficiaries and their income. In this way, the beneficiaries can access this type of credit at low rates.

Who can access these loans?

To access this type of credit, interested parties must be part of the following groups of beneficiaries:

  • Retirement and pensions.
  • Universal pension for the elderly or non-contributory old-age pension.
  • Non-contributory pensions (Invalidity and Mother of 7 children).
  • Pensions of the Reparatory Regime for former political prisoners.
  • Honorary pension for war veterans.

How much is the fee to pay?

Once the loan is activated, the installments to be paid will depend on the line that has been stipulated and the cap will also work in the same way.

Loans are generally granted within 5 working days of the request and that the fee can be simulated before taking the credit.

Non-contributory pensions:

  • can take away from $ 5,000 to $ 85,000 in 24, 36 or 48 installments.
  • The quota cannot exceed 20% of the monthly income.

Retirees and retirees:

  • From $ 5,000 to $ 240,000 in 24, 36 or 48 installments.
  • In this case, the rate cannot exceed 30% of the monthly income.
Gifts for children.  Eco mission.

Gifts for children. Eco mission.

How to access ANSES credits

Those wishing to access the credits granted by ANSeS will need the DNI number and the corresponding CBU, so they will follow the steps found on the agency’s website.

Children’s day: discounts with credit and debit cards

In addition to the loans that the beneficiary can use to make gifts for the baby’s day, ANSeS has activated a vast network of discounts that can be accessed by retirees, retirees, holders of Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and Universal Pregnancy (AUE) shopping from clothes to appliances with discounts.

Anyone belonging to any of the beneficiary groups will automatically receive a 10% refund, without any prior processing. The only condition is to be a beneficiary of one of the plans proposed by the organization that Raverta directs.

Benefits ANSeS is a discount network that aims at “make money work better” to their owners.

“It allows you to access a 10% refund of all purchases made in affiliated stores, using the debit card with which you charge your benefit. The maximum refund limit is up to $ 1,000 for each purchase and there are no limits on the number of operations you can carry out “, indicates the official website of the pension agency.

After the purchase, the amount is deposited into the beneficiary’s bank account within seven business days of the transaction.

Who can access these benefits?

You can access pensions and pensions; non-contributory pensions; Universal child allowance Pregnancy allowance Family allowance for children; Pre-natal benefit Unemployment benefit; Progress; Programs of the Ministry of Social Development Pensions and pensions of the IPS, BAPRO and Police of the Province of Buenos Aires.

For those who have recently entered the benefit, the relative reimbursement will be made once the bank has sent the beneficiary’s CBU data. This can take up to 90 days.


Source: Clarin

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