President Alberto Fernández received the Secretary of Industry, José Ignacio de Mendiguren.
President Alberto Fernández received the Secretary of Industry, José Ignacio de Mendiguren, to review his management at BICE and his plans for the Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development. “There was an investigation into the priority issues of the Secretariat. We were analyzing the usage number of industrial installed capacity which closed at 69.1%, one of the highest values of the last ten years ”, assures De Mendiguren.
In this sense, he also explained that during the meeting “the theme of exports is monitored. Our goal this year is to exceed $ 90 billion in overseas saleswith a trade surplus of between 12 and 13 billion “.
On the other hand, he referred to the dollars needed for production and noted that “from September, according to what the Central Bank tells us, we will have greater availability of dollars because the need to import energy will be reduced ”.
“We have reviewed our sector, the industrial one, which has grown. There is an Argentina that despite the financial difficulties continues to produce and grow. I told him that preliminary numbers from our Secretariat showed that the sector grew 3.5% yoy in July despite the financial turmoil and that my goal is to sustain the level of activity while the business team executes the order. of macro and prosecutors, “he said.
“What the President asked me is that I am obsessed with growth, bearing in mind that this is the only substantial and structural solution to the problems of poverty,” said the Secretary for Industry and Productive Development.
Mendiguren was until 2 August 2022 at the head of Banco Argentino de Desarrollo BICE, a financial entity that once again focused on credit to small and medium-sized industrial enterprises that change the production matrix of the country.
During the previous government the bank had lost more than 45,000 million dollars (at this year’s prices) and thanks to a series of transformations of the new management, BICE has stabilized its finances, given positive results and in 2022 it will close with growth of 38% of disbursements compared to 2021, while in 2023 it expects to grow by another 30% in real terms.
September, the month that opponents and the ruling party watch the most
The government waives the fixed sum and prepares a bonus for workers and social plans
Source: Clarin