Press conference at the Ministry of Economy. Gas Agus Luz tariffs. Flavia Royón and Malena Galmarini. 16.08.2022 Photo Maxi Failla
The Neighborhood clubs, school canteens, and community agencies will keep subsidies for electricity and water. This was made clear by the spokesmen of the Ministry of Economy. The portfolio came out to clarify the situation, with respect to the expressions of the Secretary of Energy –Flavia Royon– in the opposite direction.
Faced with a question in this regard, the official said that these consumers they fall into the “general” segment. (the same of consortia and SMEs), from which “20% of the grant is taken in the first tranche”.
But then Economia clarified: «The clubs are registered in the register provided for by article 4 of Law 27.098and until article 16 of the same is regulated, will keep subsidies in the price of energy “. And water too, they added.
“In the same sense the canteens registered with Renacom They will maintain subsidies and social rate schemes such as public welfare agencies, voluntary firefighters, non-profit entities, etc. ”, They stressed.
The disagreements between Energy and Economy already happened in relation to subsidies to consortia. Royón said they entered the “general user” regime and lost subsidies. Economy pointed out that consortia designated as “residential” would keep them and grants will be withdrawn every two months. The first removal (of 20% of the grant) will be September-October. Then, in November-December, another 40% of the grants will be removed and the rest will be removed over the next two months to arrive in March with no official help in the bill.
As for the consortia, he confirmed that it will happen as with the clubs, in general terms In the first phase, 20% of the grant will be withdrawn. “Electricity accounts for 4 to 5% of expenses. Gas will not change. I understand that the increase will have an impact of 1 to 2% of total expenses. My team held meetings with consortium representatives to analyze the entire Universe, to see if a register is implemented, “Royón said in an interview with CNN Radio’s” Digamos Todo “program.
According to the consortia, the weight of bills in expenses can reach 20% in medium-large buildings.
The “general” category includes consortia and neighborhood clubs, as well as banks, shopping centers or commercial activities. But those that have a “social purpose” (like clubs and dining rooms) will keep the benefits.
“The subsidies have already been withdrawn by the industry. In electricity, the medium segment, which is ‘general’, will have 20% of the subsidy withdrawn. The increases will depend on how much consumption is. This is the cost structure. of an SME should not be relevant, “said the secretary.
“The increases are not a reason to significantly affect profitability or costs. A kiosk could pay $ 2,500 in electricity bills, while a major area could pay $ 15,000, “he explained.
Tariff table Details of what the gas caps will be in each area will be published in the coming days from which the medium segment – which maintains the subsidy only up to a certain level of consumption – will be published in the coming days, Royón said. “The 29 subzones have been considered. One will be able to identify itself based on its location, which is the top of the gas. It will be higher in Santa Cruz than in Chaco,” he explained.
Rate charts will also be released next week. “Because consumption from 1 September will be affected by segmentation,” she said.
Going forward, the official said the registry for those who need to keep grants will remain open and updated. “The goal is to sensitize people to take care of their consumption. There may be a restyling of the caps or prizes in the future. It will not be a static photo. Everyone can change their personal situation, move, change jobs Energy is a valuable asset and should be valued “, said Royón.
Source: Clarin