Home Business Carlos Castagneto warned that “AFIP will be everywhere” and denied that the country has “fiscal pressures as they say”

Carlos Castagneto warned that “AFIP will be everywhere” and denied that the country has “fiscal pressures as they say”

Carlos Castagneto warned that “AFIP will be everywhere” and denied that the country has “fiscal pressures as they say”

Carlos Castagneto warned that

Carlos Castagneto, the head of AFIP.

While businessmen criticize the increase in the tax burden instead of lowering public spending, the head of the AFIP, Carlo Castagnetoa black-palated Kirchnerist who headed the tax collection agency with the permission of Cristina Kirchner, issued a series of warnings: he anticipated that “AFIP will be everywhere”, that with him in command “the era of life is over and surprised the relativize the weight of the tax burden in the country.

Castagneto admitted that there are “many taxes: national, provincial and municipal rates”, he listed and then began to counteranalysis of what is thought in this regard and which is a habitual criticism of opposition: the tax burden ». I’m not saying they are few, but We don’t even have a tax burden, as they say“, he contradicted.

Then he gave his view of the landscape. “When companies threaten to go to Brazil, the tax burden is 37 percent, and in Macri’s time it was 32 percent and today it’s 28 percent,” she said.

Hence, the official who replaced Mercedes Marcó del Pont in AFIP criticized the business community. “In the world it is evaded and also in Argentina“, he assured.

“Firstly, because a lot of money is handled and no invoices are issued. We neither will we forgive those places that say 20% cash discount and without invoice. We are about to leave, the presence of AFIP will be everywhere. We will be loyal to the fair and that anyone who pays feels supported by the organization, “he told Radio Diez.

“I want a fair and equitable AFIP, for those who have to pay to pay, as in the case of 222 companies we took over who did not pay the personal income tax “, attacked the officer who was imposed on his team at Sergio Massa, in a race that the vice president won.

In this sense, he assured that “a third of large companies did not pay Earnings and the affidavit was rejected“.” There are studies prepared to minimize the payment of profits and, in this case, they have yielded profits zero for three yearss, when we know that some, due to the pandemic and the war in Eastern Europe, have made extraordinary profits “, he deepened.

Castagneto said I am carry out “an in-depth study” from. “We have to rebuild everything they have not declared correctly. On the other hand, we made the decision, regarding 1,911 companies that we ask those who have earned 300 million pesos from certain taxes to contribute 15% of those “, he continued and clarified that for some companies this percentage will rise to 25%.

Castagneto explained the provision. “We ask you to advance us 6 months of the determined tax. With 25% and 15% we will collect 250 billion pesos, which are used not only to pay retirees, but are joint-stock funds and funds that they cause the development of different state policies at the national level, “he assured.

He also believed that changes could be made to various taxes. “We must carry out a major tax reform that does not go overnight, but so that the taxpayer too can see how easy it is to pay less taxes”.

Castagneto ruled out a drop in the VAT rate. “We will have to see it in Congress, today we have to get out of an uncomfortable situation. We have to study all the cases, there cannot be double taxation on the same product”, he defined.

And followed. “When you pay 21% VAT, the employer pays the difference between debt and credit. If you buy 10 and sell 14, you pay 21% on those 4. It’s all work, if I say I’ll do it day by day , I’ll really lie. “

However, he warned like a hound: “The time of the living is over. We will all pay, that’s why I’m talking about body equity.”

Finally, he said AFIP will have two types of audits. “One systemic, through the intersection of information that the organization has and the other face to face. There must be a commitment on the part of everyone. It turns out that those who don’t pay are alive“, It reaffirmed.

“When I talk about the resolution for 1,900 companies and I tell the UIA introduce yourself and let’s talkIt is because it seems to me that today we all have to take responsibility. The same goes for citizens. Those who see that they live in a place with very powerful people and do not pay for Personal Goods … I think there is a commitment to say ‘it’s over brother, you have more money than me and you pay nothing’. It is a question of awareness. we will win it over time“, term.

Castagneto and the trial of Cristina Kirchner: “There is cruelty towards the vice president”

This was stated in radio statements by the official who was able to support Alicia Kirchner in the Ministry of Social Development. Castagneto does not believe that the actions of the prosecutor Diego Luciani are correct. “Beyond who want to put our leader in jailwe will not allow them to be based on lies, “he fired.

Castagneto assured that Argentina must have “a justice that follows the law and does not interfere, which has no political interests”. “We believe that justice must be independent and not have bias. That it is based on evidence and not on in-depth evaluations and only political discourse. I believe that not only people are with Cristina but against a part of Justice that is losing credibility”, he said.

and advanced that “Time is the best witness“.” In the four years of the previous government, it has been shown that all the complaints and persecutions were absolutely false, even if in some cases cases are reopened that have no basis “, he argued, faithful to the story of the law established by Cristina Kirchner.

“This is not democracy. Democracy is working for the people, with the three independent powersand not to play football with judges and prosecutors who want to judge the government in power “, he insisted, taking as a premise the photos with which the vice president tried, unsuccessfully, to reject those who make up the court and the prosecution of the trial for corruption in the street.


Source: Clarin


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