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Hot weather: a Brest bridge urgently inspected due to wax leaks

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Emergency verification operations will be carried out in the coming weeks on the Iroise bridge, which crosses the port of Brest, due to wax leaks caused by high temperatures.

In Brest, the Iroise bridge suffers from high temperatures. The structure, which spans the port between Plougastel-Daoulas and Le Relecq-Kerhuon, is supported by a hundred stay cables. The latter are covered in a layer of wax that protects them from corrosion: however, for ten years, the Interdepartmental Directorate of Roads (DIR) West has observed leaks of wax. And with the strong heat that Brittany has been experiencing since the beginning of summer, the phenomenon seems to have accelerated, reports the telegram.

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Corrosion risk

These leaks of wax, which ended up on the road, would be responsible for visible cracks along certain black sheaths of the stays, which raises fears of a risk of corrosion. After a first emergency examination at the beginning of August, which confirmed wax leaks in some cables, verification operations will be carried out next week and the last week of September to assess the integrity of the sleeves of the Brest bridge stay cables. The structure will remain closed to traffic during these inspections, which will take place at night.

“There have been wax leaks almost since the bridge was put into service,” however, a person in charge of the Dir Ouest assured the Telegram.

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Author: Jeremy Bruno
Source: BFM TV

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