The value of cryptocurrencies, with bitcoin in the lead, has plummeted from record values in November 2021 Photo Reuters
“It’s another door to make it easier for you to pay taxes taxpayers, “says Nicolás Chávez, director general of the Mendoza Tax Administration (ATM). The province of Cuyo has just included the possibility to pay with cryptocurrencies and join a global trend of savings and investment.
“This is a payment processor service with which we have incorporated new technologies, such as virtual wallets and cryptocurrencies “Chavez clarifies.
With the agreement that the government of Mendoza has closed, to the provincial coffers enter pesos equivalent to the price of the day of the cryptocurrency chosen for payment.
The withdrawal takes place via the ATM page. The company that provides the online payment service perform the conversion from cryptocurrencies to pesos.
When the taxpayer clicks the cryptocurrency payment button, the system emails him a QR code to pay the tax or fee. In that code, the amount of the chosen virtual currency converted into pesos is already loaded.
ATM receives the payment and immediately sends the receipt to the taxpayer. “We make sure that from a legal point of view the payment is guaranteed, when someone carries out an operation with blockchain technology (encrypted information of a transaction on the network), the payment currency is guaranteed”, says Chávez, an import tax lawyer. .
The new payment button with cryptocurrencies It went into operation on Wednesday 24 August. And the first operation with cryptocurrency was that of an ATM employee who paid the fourth installment of the car tax with funds from his virtual wallet.
Payment-enabled cryptocurrencies are those identified as stable coinsamong them Dai, Theher, True, among others,
The Rentas de Mendoza manager said that traditional means of payment, such as debit, credit, will continue to be in place. And he pointed out that three months ago virtual wallets were added, through the payment of interoperable QR 3.0 wallets.
The head of the government of Buenos Aires Horacio Rodríguez Larreta promised in April that taxpayers will be able to pay taxes with cryptocurrencys: “We need to streamline procedures and improve relations between businesses and the state,” he said.
The technological advancement CABA is working on will be similar to that of Mendoza, as the Government Revenue Agency (AGIP) will receive payments in pesos and the cryptocurrency buying and selling platforms will be in charge of carrying out the conversion into pesos a the price of the day.
Mendoza (correspondent)
Rossana Badaloni
Source: Clarin