Subsidies, bonuses, bonuses… what aid can you claim for the start of the school year?

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Although inflation does not weaken as the start of the new school year approaches, households can benefit from various aid schemes to compensate, at least partially, for the drop in their purchasing power.

The start of the school year is fast approaching and with it its share of worries. This is particularly the case for less affluent households struggling to make ends meet in this period of high inflation (+6.1% annual in July). To support their declining earning power, many supports are available to them, both inside and outside the school setting. BFM Business reviews the main existing systems and the terms and conditions to benefit from them.

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Back to School Assignment

No less than three million French households benefit each year from the back-to-school subsidy, the amount of which is determined by the number of children and household income. This year, it was increased by 4% under the recent purchasing power protection law. Its amount varies, therefore, from 392.05 euros for children from 6 to 10 years old to 413.69 euros for those from 11 to 14 years old and rises to 428.02 euros for those from 15 to 18 years old. It was paid automatically to beneficiaries of the Family Allowance Fund, on August 2 for the inhabitants of Mayotte and Réunion and on August 16 for all others. A supplement of fifteen euros corresponding to the 4% increase will be subject to a second payment in mid-September.

The return bonus

It is also an aid that is part of the back-to-school period, but it has an exceptional character since it was voted on August 4 by the deputies, still in favor of purchasing power. The back-to-school bonus is aimed at beneficiaries of social minimums and APL, as well as scholarship students, that is, just under 11 million households. On September 15, the latter will be automatically paid an amount of 100 euros, to which a supplement of 50 euros per dependent child will be added. The beneficiaries of the activity bonus will also benefit from this system, but the amount that will be assigned specifically to them has not yet been determined.

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The fuel discount

Here is an aid that benefits all French people regardless of income, in any case those who take the path. Inflation is high and the item that contributes the most is energy, which explains the rise in prices at the pump for more than six months. Therefore, it was decided to apply a discount of a few cents per liter of fuel. Currently 18 cents, this discount will increase to 30 cents in September and October before falling to 10 cents from November to the end of 2022.

Help to buy a bicycle

For those who prefer the bicycle to move, the aid for the purchase of a bicycle is extended to electric models from August 15 to December 31. The government site indicates that the ecological bonus for the purchase of a new bicycle can now reach 400 euros and that, without having previously benefited from local aid. This bonus even reaches 2,000 euros for the purchase of a cargo bike, a folding bike, an electric bike trailer or even a bike adapted for people with disabilities, whether or not it is equipped with electric assistance. In fact, people with disabilities can now opt for this bonus, which is no longer granted only to French people whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to 13,489 euros.

The Shared Value Bonus

This new version of the “Macron bonus” is an optional salary supplement, since it depends on the goodwill of the employer. For workers who earn less than three times the minimum wage, this bonus is fiscally advantageous since it gives rise to an exemption from social contributions and personal income tax, whose maximum limit reaches 3,000 euros compared to the previous 1,000 euros. This limit can even reach 6,000 euros under certain conditions, in particular in the event of signing a profit-sharing agreement or payment by a general interest organization. Regarding payment conditions, it may be made in one or more installments, with a limit of one per quarter. According to figures provided by the Government, fifteen million employees benefited from the ‘Macron bonus’ between 2019 and 2022 for an average amount of 542 euros.


For a value of 50 euros, this aid is intended for underage students who are beneficiaries of the back-to-school subsidy, scholarship holders under 28 years of age and also beneficiaries of the education subsidy for disabled children under 19 years of age and those of the subsidy for disabled adults under 30 years. The Pass’Sport allows you to finance enrollment in a sports structure for the 2022-2023 season. More than a million young people benefited last year.

Tax credit for school fees for dependent children

Last noteworthy aid: the reduction of the tax on school fees for dependent children. Parents must meet two conditions to qualify. For one thing, your child should not be paid. On the other hand, he must not be bound by an employment contract and must be free from any commitment during and at the end of his studies. The amount of the tax reduction varies according to the level of studies of the child in question, from 61 euros for a university student to 183 euros for a student passing through 163 euros for a high school student.

Author: Timothy Talby
Source: BFM TV

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