Home Business They formalize the creation of the “Bridge to Employment” Program, to transform social plans into formal work

They formalize the creation of the “Bridge to Employment” Program, to transform social plans into formal work

They formalize the creation of the “Bridge to Employment” Program, to transform social plans into formal work

They formalize the creation of the Program

The Program aims to “gradually transform” social plans into formal work

The government made official this Tuesday the creation of the “Bridge to Employment” program.with the aim of “gradually transforming and with federal criteria” the social plans in formal work.

It did so with the publication in the Official Gazette of decree no. 551/2022, which bears the signature of Alberto Fernández, as well as that of its promoter, the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. Among the signatures also those of the Chief of Staff, Juan Luis Manzur; and that of the heads of Social Development and Work, Employment and Social Security, respectively Juan Zabaleta and Claudio Moroni.

Another of the objectives pursued by the regulation, based on an initiative that Massa presented to the Deputies in 2021, is “improve employability and the generation of new productive proposals and promote the full social inclusion of those who find themselves in a situation of social and economic vulnerability ”.

With this “Bridge to Employment” program, the government will try incorporate around 150,000 people into the formal labor market who currently receive social plans.

As specified in Article 2, “private sector employers who hire new workers or new workers who participate in social, educational or employment programs (…), enjoy, with respect to each of the new incorporations that produce a net increase on the payroll of personnel, of the benefits provided for in articles 3 and 4 of the present, for a period of twelve months from the beginning of the employment relationship“.

“During the period in which the employment relationship develops, the employer or employer, once joining the ‘Puente al Empleo’ Program, must consider and impute the monetary allocation of social programsof study or work referred to in Article 2 which he continues to receive, due to the payment of the fee“, Clarified article 3 of the decree, which will come into force on 1 October.

In addition, he reported that “once the employment contract ends, the workers will have the opportunity to continue to receive monetary allowances provided for by these programs, if the number of contributions to the Social Security System does not exceed twelve months “.

“In the event that the duration of contributions to the Social Security System is between eight and twelve months, male and female workers can choose between staying in the original program or accessing unemployment benefits”, He completed that section.

It was also specified that, in order to obtain the benefits, the employer must “expressly declare acceptance of the Programnot being able to retroactively avail themselves of those for the period or periods in which they had not adhered.

Article 4, on the other hand, specified that for employment relationships that begin within the “Puente al Empleo” Program, “the reduction of the employer’s contributions corresponding to the social security subsystems referred to in Article 5 of this decree will be 100% “.

How the employer contribution reduction will be applied

The reduction in current employer contributions provided for in Article 4 will apply to the Argentine Integrated Social Security System (SIPA), the National Institute of Social Services for Retired and Retired Persons, the National Employment Fund and the Family allowances.

As specified, “the reductions envisaged by this regulation are excluded from the additional rates envisaged by the differential and special pension schemes”.

Those who are registered in the Public Register of employers with labor sanctions (REPSAL) and those who engage in improper and / or abusive practices to access the established benefits will be excluded from the benefits provided for by this decree. decree, according to the complementary discipline to be issued.


Source: Clarin


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