Claudio Cunha, CEO of Enel Argentina: “It cannot be that the rate depends on a person who wakes up one morning and decides it will be 10, 20 or 50”

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This Thursday the president of the electricity company Enel Argentina, Claudio Cunha, criticized during the Democracy and Development cycle organized by Clarione, the rate of unpredictability that governs the country e called for an independent regulatory framework from the government of the day.

The Brazilian accountant, responsible for the local operations of the multinational energy company which, among other companies, manages Edesur, pointed out that in other countries of the region, with a social scenario similar to that of Argentina, governments have favored the definition of clear and stable rules for the sector.

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“Other countries in the region suffer from the same social problems and macroeconomic, financial and tariff rules have not been touched,” he said.

Cunha expressed his criticisms for not “having a different and more stable, more predictable regulatory framework. It cannot be that the rate depends on a person who wakes up one morning and decides it will be 10, 20 or 50. We must have, as neighboring countries do a stable rule, whatever the dominant political color“.

The executive also mentioned the loss that this unpredictability and mismanagement has caused to the state, calculating the loss caused over the past 20 years.

“The decision has been made intervene in different organisms that should be self-sufficient and that generated a subsidy policy with which we paid, whether through inflationary, issuance, or current tax, 153 billion dollars. Three times the debt to the IMF. This year doesn’t count, “Cunha estimated.

Competitive and stable regulatory framework

In turn, the president of the Shell oil company, Ricardo Rodríguez, also stressed the need for a stable regulatory framework for guaranteeing investments in the area and promoting Vaca Muerta.

Source: Clarin

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