Tell us about the activity of Calligraphy Print?
We are a B2B industrial print shop, we work with all types of businesses, from craftsmen to CAC 40 companies, and we have 600 clients mainly in the Paris region and the Far West. We make brochures, triptychs, catalogs, posters, folders or communication kits, for various sectors.
Your sector has experienced a reduction in the number of players, what has kept you going?
The printing sector has undergone a transformation since the end of the 1980s, with the arrival of more robotic and high-performance machines, the fall in prices and, therefore, very high investment needs, at the same time as the fall of volumes with digitization in the 2000s. So we have gone from 10,000 players to 2,300 today, including 300 in investment capacity.
There is a segmentation between small local printers, with digital machines, that make repro and small production, B2B industrial printers, like us, and then printers for very large industrial companies, oriented to publishing magazines, comics, etc.
We are a flexible company that invests a lot, 30 million euros in the last 25 years, that’s what keeps us here. We focused on the three pillars of CSR ten years ago, to achieve industrial, environmental and social performance. We are EcoVadis Platinium, and we have received Manufacturing Light 2021. We have ISO 9001 quality and 14001 environmental certifications. Therefore, we are interested in SMEs, ETIs and CAC 40 companies.
How has digitization affected your business?
Digitization is a crucial tool for many companies, which has caused the disappearance of parts of graphic communication. But there is a balance in the process of restoration, because we realize that not everything works with digitization. Five years ago, analysts predicted that everyone would get emails and text messages to communicate. In reality, it is experienced as an intrusion and often ends up in the spam folder, so it has no real business impact. And then there is the awareness of the environmental impact of digital, in particular the energy consumption of servers and the use of rare and expensive materials.
There is a return to paper. Recently, the price of paper has doubled, and this has made many customers realize the importance and effectiveness of their content. The role is not dead, but it will be more qualitative and specific.
On the environmental side, paper can be recycled seven times. All our paper comes from Austria, Sweden or Finland, countries that have a long tradition in wood and that manage it sustainably.
This content was produced with SCRIBEO. The BFMBUSINESS editorial team was not involved in the production of this content.
Source: BFM TV