It represents an increase in 12 months (from March 2022 to February 2023) of 59.2%. Photo: Mauricio Nievas, La Plata
This month and until February 2023 the 9,354 retired and retired university teachers citizens, who receive their assets through ANSES, will receive an increase of 43.02%according to ANSeS Circular 29/2022, as anticipated by Clarín.
It represents an increase in 12 months (from March 2022 to February 2023) 59.2%. It is that the previous increase, of March 2022, was of the increase of 11.29%.
Against an estimated inflation of 90/100%, the annual loss can be around 20%.
Unlike the general regime, retired teachers have a special regime, with half-yearly increases, linked to the wages of the assets that contribute to ANSES by taking the solar semesters.
With the increase in September, retired teachers will accumulate, end to end, in 5 years – between 2018 and 2022 – a loss of almost 40% due to the increase in prices.
How have been the increases since 2018
The sequence was:
- In 2018, they received retired university teachers two enlargements total 21.8%, compared to an inflation of 47.6%. A drop of 17.5%.
- In 2019, the increase of teachers was 29.6% and inflation of 53.8%. A loss of 15.7%.
- In 2020, there has been a partial recovery: the increase in teachers has been 56.2% against an inflation of 36.1%. An improvement of 14.8%.
- in 2021the increase was 45.9% against an inflation of 50.9%, a loss of 3.3%.
- in 2022the loss would be about 20% (Increases of 59.2%. against an inflation of 90/100%).
Unlike the general regime which provides for quarterly increases, the retired university teachers receive two increases a year, in the months of March and September, according to the percentage of wage increase agreed in the same sector, taking into account the calendar semesters.
In September they receive the increase corresponding to the salary change between January and June. And that of March, with salary increases from July to December.
The delay in the “mobility” of this system in the face of inflation leads to heavy losses in the half year and therefore the half year increase ends up being lower than the price increase.
The differentiated increases for retired university teachers are due to the fact that the sector pension law provides that active workers contribute two additional points (13% of their salary) and retire with 82% corresponding to the position they had in activities.
That value is updated Twice a year through the RIPDUN (“Taxable Average Remuneration of National University Professors”), as agreed in the salary parity.
Law 26.508 on retirement of teaching staff of national public universities allows women to retire at 60 and men at 65 who have 25 years of service, of which at least 10, continuous or discontinuous, must face students. . And they are entitled to 82% of the remuneration of the assignment or to the sum of the assignments and dedications carried out at the time of termination for a minimum period of 60 months. This credit is adjusted by the RIPDUN.
Ishmael Bermudez
Source: Clarin