Home Business Rentals: which are the cheapest neighborhoods in the City of Buenos Aires?

Rentals: which are the cheapest neighborhoods in the City of Buenos Aires?

Rentals: which are the cheapest neighborhoods in the City of Buenos Aires?

Rentals: which are the cheapest neighborhoods in the City of Buenos Aires?

Neighborhoods where rents are cheaper. PHOTO JUANO TESONE – FTP CLARIN JUA_6350.JPG Z JTesone

As the change to the rental law continues to be blocked in Congress, inflation, which exceeds 71% per year, continues to erode households’ ability to access housing rentals. The appreciation of lease values ​​has gained much more momentum than that of wages, which leads to many potential tenants looking for cheaper areas.

The average value in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA) for used one-bedroom apartments cost nearly $ 50,000, While the units of three rooms are trading above $ 61,000.

“The reality is that, beyond the published price averages, if you look for a unit in good condition, the values ​​far exceed these averages,” say analysts from the consulting firm Reporte Inmobiliario (RI). “The problem is that the alerts last so short, a few hours on the portals that the values ​​of the good units in those figures are hardly verified,” they clarify.

According to this poll updated in August, between The neighborhoods with the most affordable rents are Liniers, La Boca, Barracas, Mataderos and Parque Patricios. In these locations, the two rooms cost between $ 40,000 and $ 46,000 and the three-room apartments are rented together From $ 48,500 to $ 60,500.

According to these statistics, the units of CABA one-bedroom apartments increased by 70.38% in the last year and 3-bedroom apartments had a more moderate increase of 55.65%.

It happens that, “despite being below inflation, in the year-over-year comparison since 2009 (when this series of rental values ​​began) prices have shown the greatest increase.

“The prices of one-bedroom apartments accelerated sharply in the last quarter, settling at 19.65%. For this reason, in the year-on-year comparison, the increase was more marked than in the three-room apartments. This is definitely due to a ‘minimum’ value that the rents are having and first affects the units of lower value “, RI analysts explain.

According to another survey by the ZonaProp platform, Puerto Madero is the most expensive neighborhood in the city, with an average price of $ 138,329 per month. Palermo and Núñez follow, with $ 89,894 and $ 88,794 per month respectively.

In the central area are Santa Rita ($ 73,575), Parque Chacabuco ($ 72,123) and Boedo ($ 68,629). Meanwhile himThe cheapest neighborhoods to rent are Floresta ($ 58,378), La Boca ($ 58,705), and Liniers ($ 59,485).

In turn, according to this online price survey, Mataderos (99.6%), Colegiales (96.7%) and Santa Rita (92.7%) are the neighborhoods with the highest year-over-year increase Price. While Puerto Madero (61%) ranks as the one with the lowest increase.

A recent study of this same portal, which was conducted at the regional level, investigated where people would move if given the chance. Among Argentine users, for the majority (69%) the most chosen option was within the CABA (39%). Another part chose the North GBA (16%) and the rest was distributed among the other cities of Buenos Aires, South GBA, West GBA, Santa Fe and Mendoza.

The main reasons people want to move are safety, tranquility and proximity to access roads.


Source: Clarin


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