Employment: the professional profiles that will have a guaranteed job in the future

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Employment: the professional profiles that will have a guaranteed job in the future

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New programming-based specialties are reinvigorating the job market. Photo: Plazzi.

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In 2018, a UNESCO report anticipated that, by 2050, 75% of jobs would be linked to the sector called STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics (from the initials of these words in English). Through a pandemic, the acceleration of digitalization and automation of production processes is setting the pace for the generation of new jobs.

“Going forward, everyone will have to have technological knowledge and universities are already adapting include technology subjects in all careers”, Says Aldo Kazakevich, CEO of bdt global and member of the board of directors of CESSI, the chamber of the software industry.

“For the past 5 years the IT sector alone produced 15,000 new jobs of work per year to be covered and universities generate 7,000 graduates per year. In other words, there is a 50% deficit between demand and what the education system generates, “she reports.

To bridge this gap, vocations for STEM careers need to be added: “We need to strengthen the teaching of difficult sciences in young people from an early age,” says Nicolás Schenquerman, regional manager of Matific, a platform for learning mathematics.

“The incorporation of the gamification Applied to mathematics, it improves students’ relationship with numbers, helps them lose the fear of making mistakes, encourages them to find their own vocation and prepares those who decide to continue along the path of these careers, ”he adds.


The shortage of programmers or developers is a global problem because “the use of technology for decision making and the transformation of production and business models have accelerated a lot,” notes Micaela Unamuno, Operations Manager at Educabot. Here because, computer science, robotics and programming They are not just races of the present, but of the future, he says.

“The pandemic has normalized recruiting talent anywhere in the world. And this opens up new opportunities for those learning to create for the digital economy, “says Ingrid Zuñiga, Communications Director of Platzi, a Spanish-language technology training platform.” There is a struggle to find profiles in programming, data science, game making and metaverse design“, He specifies.

Based on the program, a large number of high demand specializationsamong others, artificial intelligence and machine learning, digital marketing and strategy, process automation, digital transformation, information security or the Internet of Things, according to Carolina Pérez Mora, co-founder of Egg, an Argentine education and technology company.

“Software development tools training is the first step in adapting to the digital needs of the market,” he says.

A fundamental profile in the digital economy is the so-called “owner of the product“:” It is a profile that knows business processes and technology. It’s hard to find, “says Kazakevich.” Today all the unicorns in the world are fighting to get the best out of this profile, “he warns.

“Historically, these were professionals with a degree in technology careers who incorporated the business theme. Now there are many new careers that combine technology, management and businesslike the Business Economics course offered by Di Tella ”, he specifies.

On the other hand, “there are more and more applications, systems and platforms that require quality testing. If they fail, the costs are very high,” adds Kazakevich. Therefore, they become necessary the testers. There is also a strong demand for infrastructure profiles – cloud developers and architects -.

Another emerging specialty is that of “user experience“(UX), that is everything that happens in the points of interaction between people with the brand, its products and interfaces.

“In UX design, there are interface designers, researchers, writers, software developers, business analysts and other roles, in order to generate experiences that help people achieve their goals or solve their problems, ”explains Eduardo Díaz, of IT Education.

Its role is that of UX writer, a task that takes as its reference the “copywriter”, the creative writer of advertising agencies. “They both seek out writing based on their audience profiles, but UX Writer works as a team and focuses its action on meeting the needs of design users, guiding them through every step they need to solve their tasks,” he says. Díaz.


“Today everything we do leaves a trace in the form of data because all activities are mediated by digital systems. These technologies have the ability to record what is happening at all times, ”explains Juan Vidaguren, dean of the ITBA School of Management and Technology.

Traditionally, information was something difficult to archive, but now “it is not only easy to archive data, but also to exploit it, to analyze it,” adds Vidaguren.

What then becomes essential is to have people who can decide what to analyze this data for and what can be understood from it. This led to the emergence of a specific profession a few years ago data analysis. In fact, in ITBA there is both a degree – which had its first graduates last year – and a master’s degree for this specific profile.


“Today, any engineering career is in high demand,” says Vidaguren. And the projection is that it will continue to be like this.

However, the required profile is that of “an engineer who understands that engineering is not just technology, but that it isSomeone who incorporates multidisciplinary teamwork and creativity right from the start”, Says the academician. Therefore, “it is necessary to guarantee transversal skills in the field of engineer training”.

On the other hand, it arose new and specific engineering. For example: “Today, medicine uses technology not only in diagnostic equipment, but also in the design and development of drugs and treatments and in diagnostic modalities,” describes Vidaguren. A) Yes, the bioengineer appeared as a specific profile to meet these needs.

“Bioengineering offers a very wide range of job offers: on the one hand, those relating to the development and design of medical equipment, on the other hand, those relating to software and medical informatics and, finally, those relating to intelligence artificial for decision making, ”describes Paula Bonomini, career director of bioengineering at ITBA.

Furthermore, it is a profile that “knows the structure of the health center and has a good adaptability to dialogue with its various actors”.

Source: Clarin

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