Home Entertainment Pampita beat Guillermina Valdés in the competition against Marcelo Tinelli

Pampita beat Guillermina Valdés in the competition against Marcelo Tinelli

Pampita beat Guillermina Valdés in the competition against Marcelo Tinelli

In a long chat with Angel of Brito and members of THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 8pm) Carolina Ardohain examined various current problems. One of these was the recent pilgrimage to Luján made by the model. “I wanted to clarify, because there were doubts, which I left from the beginning. Not that I was in the middle, far from it. I’ve done it many times already and I’ve done it complete, “he condemned.

“It’s been many hours, you start at 9 in the morning and arrive around 4 or 5 the next day. You make stops where you eat or go to the bathroom, but then there are many kilometers where you don’t stop at all. He is very strong emotionally and spiritually“Pampita described.

“I was lucky that on my last stop, which was in La Reja, Rober and my children came to encourage me and walked a bit with me. This gave me strength because I was already exhausted, I couldn’t take it anymore and I was only halfway through, so imagine. There you have to walk at night and the body begins to make itself felt. Even the years. It feels and every year it gets harder for me, “she admitted.

«Also valid who does not arrive, the same one that could offer to the Virgin, whether it is a kilometer, two or ten. I say this for those who are frustrated by not being able to arrive, as has happened to many of my friends. You have to take it because they have given the best that their body and their abilities could give and it is perfect“, He explained.

“Or what maybe started not from Liniers’ first start, but a little later, that’s okay too. Getting close and being there is worth a lotCarolina congratulated those who participated, beyond the final result.

Regarding the accompaniment of his children, he said that “Beltrán is the one who most wanted to walk with me. “I came here to be with you,” he told me. And I explained to him that there were still 6 hours to go “.

“I promised that next year I will leave earlier, like 6 or 7 in the morning, so they can play the final with me. Because at 4 or 5 in the morning they had to sleep, get up, there was so much trouble. Next year I will organize something so that we can all do it together in the endbecause it was important to them too, “he enthusiastically expressed.

The public exhibition of Roberto García Moritán

In another section of the speech, de Brito emphasized this “Moritán goes around like crazy fighting with pickets. One day they will beat him”. However, Pampita has saved that she “she has the luck and the freedom to be able to say whatever she thinks. This is very good in politics. He is fresh, one who has no commitments or contracts with anyone. I don’t tell him anything, because it’s his world and I don’t understand what his job is. ”

The competition of work between Guillermina Valdés and Marcelo Tinelli

After they asked him about the incorporation of Guillermina Valdés a Who is the mask?where he has to compete against Tinelli. “Some of us have said it’s a bit unfair to go to his ex’s competition, while others have said he has to work,” the driver opened the debate.

“For me It is not good to be pigeonholed or in a channel, or in a program. The best everyone can do is let one go one way or another. At least I think so, I don’t belong to anyone “, he replied giving strong support to Guillermina.” I don’t think it’s so recent. They have been separated for some time, “he justified her response.

Then Yanina Latorre was more incisive and frontal. She gave him as an example if Moritán was starting in the middle, loving programming a channel. “Are you going to separate and with a common child to compete against that program by being able to choose another offer? Because Guille does not lack the talent to choose “.

They should offer him a perennial exclusivity contract with a monthly payment for him to stay and don’t go anywhere “, was Pampita’s energetic response, adhering to Guillermina’s decision.

“He competed with his ex with the novel and Ethe famous hoteladded Fernanda Iglesias, referring to Pampita’s work in El Trece against the novel by Benjamin Vicuna, The last of us. Angel de Brito said so They were different situations because they had been separated for ten years and it was not something recent like Tinelli with Guillermina.

“It’s not a matter of time” Pampita said. “The competition works in channels and the good thing is that it gives us all jobs. It feeds all of us who are on TV.”

rumors about pregnancy

Finally, they asked her about pregnancy rumors. “Every now and then I relax, eat a little more and they say I’m pregnant. I don’t know where they get it from. We are not looking, we are serene. I can’t convince Rober. I try but he doesn’t want to expand the family. This is done in pairs “, clarified Pampita.

And he concluded with a reality: “He tells me ‘we are too much and we sleep little’, and he is right. We have all ages and all hours. She takes one at a party and I feed the baby. It’s a nice lack of control, but we love having the family reunited, we’re fascinated by it, but we’re enough, “he acknowledged.


Source: Clarin


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