Home Entertainment Maxi Ghione will undergo a treatment to lose 20 kilos in four months

Maxi Ghione will undergo a treatment to lose 20 kilos in four months

Maxi Ghione will undergo a treatment to lose 20 kilos in four months

Maxi Gione He recounted the tragedy he experienced during the pandemic from not being able to work and the physical consequences that remained for him. “I gained a lot of weight. I started getting fat and went to hell, “he was honest in his dialogue with the magazine Soon.

after you are done Three lives for Oswaldthe comedy in which he starred opposite Claribel Medina, the actor took a break to prioritize his health and focus on recovering his best physical shape.

Obviously Maxi has revealed that she will undergo a new weight loss treatment: “They’re about to implant the gastric balloon at the Bionut clinic, It’s like you take a one gram ibuprofen pill and you have a catheter out of the pit of your stomach, they fill it with saline, it degrades in four months and you lose weight. “

“The idea is to lose 100 to 80 kilos, my weight, in four months”, he assured in the interview.

In addition to doing the treatment to improve his quality of life, he also gives priority to the professional: “Now the gastric balloon is for health, first of all, and also because by November or December I want to be thinner. My ideal weight is 80 because I’m 1.80 and now I’m at 100. The idea is to be ready and prepared for December, when the 2023 projects are put together. “

In turn, Ghione explained the reasons why he became overweight.

“I was fat, that’s why I let the Walrus in blessed dream, the biopic of Diego Maradona. I returned from Spain and Italy and lost 25 kilos between December and March. On March 16, 2020 he weighed 79 kilos but four days later the pandemic began and I devoted myself to eating, mixed with depression, of course. A sadness and the only thing I had was food, no more, no less, “she said.

“I devoted myself to eating, I created a YouTube channel where I read stuff from my upcoming book called Mud Literature. So, on that YouTube channel I uploaded 16 videos and even though I hadn’t played it for two years, I cooked there and in the end I read something of my own. It’s called Maxi Ghione, garlic and poetry. There I obviously gained weight the 25 pounds I had lost“He continued with his story.

Beyond the suffering caused by this situation, Maxi stressed that he used his physical condition to take advantage of it at work: “Then came the character of Chacho On 1-5 / 18 and it was nice that it was like that with the body. I relaxed and continued to eat. Fortunately, I metabolize quickly and lose weight the same way“.

“I once lost 50 pounds to do against the ropes, that series where we played brothers with Rodrigo De la Serna. I weighed 74 pounds and lost 22 pounds in just two months, exercising a lot, eating chicken and fish, and skipping salt. I metabolize quickly both to gain weight and to lose weight, “he concluded.

Not all are bad: Maxi Ghione has recovered his hearing after a delicate operation

Maxi Ghione, who suffers from otosclerosis and has severe hearing loss since she was seven, He underwent surgery on his right ear in 2020 and recovered 80% of his hearing.

In a note with La Nación, the actor said he had planned to do the same with his left ear. “I learned to do everything without listening, to drive, to act … When Dr. Fernando Diamante operated on me (on my right ear), he told me that if I had recovered 30 or 40% we would have jumped on one leg for joy. And I have recovered 80% “, he counted last March.

“Now I feel almost like a right ear listener. They don’t operate both ears at the same time because if it goes wrong, you lose your hearing permanently. The postoperative is long, it lasts two months and you have to be calm, serene“, he acknowledged.

Finally, he warned: “Now I can do it with a hearing aid only in my left ear. It’s all very strange. I can hear the little birds, which wake me up and sometimes I hate them because I have been sleeping peacefully since I was 7 years old, they are not there yet. used to, and I think about how many sounds I have missed in my life “.


Source: Clarin


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