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Margot Robbie in Amsterdam: The taste of encounter

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It is a film, if you like, a mystery, but also a social satire with a protagonist Cristiano dances, Margot Robbie and John David Washington inside amsterdam.

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“A lot of things really happened,” but unlike the events that Argentines vividly remember, not many Americans are aware of the coup attempt against President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s.

David O. Russell (The positive side of life, American scandal, Three kings) draws on this and imagines a story with three friends who meet during the First World War, in Europe. Bale is Dr. Burt Berendsen, who lost an eye during the war, and who along with Harold Woodman (Washington) was assisted by Valerie, a volunteer nurse (Robbie), who extracts the splinters from their bodies.

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Well, Valerie saves all the twisted metal from the bodies of all her patients, to then turn them into “art”: the teapots.


And it is in Amsterdam that he takes the duo of soldiers on a kind of bohemian retreat. Until, suddenly, he disappears, we are in the 1930s and in New York, the doctor, who now treats other injured veterans for free, and Burt, a successful lawyer who wants to help him organize a war Veterans Reunion, are framed as suspects. of murder.

They need to save their good name, before they go to jail, and there, unexpectedly, they will find Valerie and form that trio of friends again – well, there will be the occasional kiss between her and Howard – who had such a good time. in old Holland, singing made-up songs and dancing and drinking.

As Russell usually likes, he has a cast with many important roles and, as usual, is full of Hollywood stars. You must write? Add to the aforementioned trio Rami Malek and Anya Taylor-Joy as Valerie’s brother and wife, Robert De Niro as general, Michael Shannon and Mike Myers as two very special agents, Taylor Swift, Chris Rock, Zoe Saldana,

Russell’s political message, which sees signs in the present worrying enough to escape oblivion – American businessmen’s support for the coup leaders … and his sympathies for Hitler and Mussolini – is another surprising turnaround, but always within a satire in which the gags are both verbal and physical and the twists are well thought out and well executed.

But it is what unites Valerie, Burt and Howard that maintains the cohesion between so many surprises and new characters, who never add up to confuse, but to further fuel the plot. Bale shines as a comedian, Robbie fascinates with the mysterious character of him and Washington, who in terms of acting, is the most measured of the three, within an extraordinary cast in a fun and engaging film.


Very good

Dramatic comedy. USA, 2022. 134 ‘, SAM 13 R. Of: David O. Russell. With: Christian Bale, Margot Robbie, John David Washington, Rami Malek, Anya Taylor-Joy, Robert De Niro. Rooms: Belgrano and Norcenter showcase, Cinépolis Recoleta, Hoyts Abasto.

Source: Clarin

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