Nati Jota passed on incorrect information about the trial to military juntas and generated enormous indignation

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Jota born provided incorrect information the trial of military juntas in Nobody says anything (Luzu TV, Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:00) and destroyed it on the networks.

The columnist of the cycle led by Nico Occhiato, Nacho Elizalde and Flor Jazmin Peña was the subject of much criticism Twitter for claiming that in the 1985 judicial process “no one was tried”.

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The error of influencer It happened after a manufacturer of the aforementioned cycle advised to see Argentina 1985the film by Santiago Miterhero Ricardo Darin Y Pietro Lanzaniwhich addresses that historical moment of national history.

“It’s very intense and heavy, but it also has humor. It’s very well done and I think It is very important that we see it, those of our generation and more children, as we have not experienced it“, the producer began saying.

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And he continued: “It is the process of the commissions, of all the soldiers of the process at the moment it ended”. Then, Nati took the place and said to the air: “I mean, with that trial they ended up not judging anyone”.

“No, yes, yes, there were many in prison for a long time, they gave their lives to many and it was very close to the end of the trial … a very big historical thing in the world, “corrected his partner.

A little confused, Jota tried to fix her mistake and said: “It was very rude because it was something very close to dictatorship, like something re-democratic.” “Yes, and like something on the other side there was a group that had a lot of power, so it’s difficult,” added the young producer who recommended the film.

“to me sometimes It scares me that the new generations don’t have all this in mind“added the influencer.

“That’s why I think it’s important that we all see it because even if we know, there are thousands of details of the process and what happened next I didn’t know and when you see or hear them they hit you, it’s very horrible, so it’s nice to become aware and value democracy from that side “, explained his couple.

To which Nati added: “The films on that theme are beautiful to discover … I insist, capable kids don’t know what happened in the dictatorshipI don’t know, in schools they should explain it anyway … I learned a thousand things in schoolI don’t know if it was because of the schools I attended, but I have always had him very much in mind. ”

Those comments of the young journalist earned her endless attacks and criticisms 2.0.

is that, as everyone knows, in the sentence of December 9, 1985, five of the accused soldiers were sentenced: Jorge Rafael Videla and Emilio Massera were sentenced to life imprisonment, Orlando Ramón Agosti was sentenced to four years and six months in prison, Roberto Eduardo Viola to 17 years in prison and Armando Lambruschini to eight years.

“‘I’m worried the new generations don’t know,’ says what a minute earlier claimed that no one was convicted“commented a Twitter user.

“Nati Jota says she is afraid that the new generations are not aware of what happened and she I didn’t know that many genocides ended up in prison. Oh oh oh the responsibility of being in front of a microphone is not for everyone, “added another.

“It’s hearing a talk from teenagers who don’t have much idea what they’re talking about or who know very high up. Who consumes this?“A third user of the aforementioned social network asked.

“Shameful. Read a little before talking about the worst tragedy in our country”, someone else asked. “Then he throws a wave ‘luckily I saw it all at school,'” remarked another tweeter.

Meanwhile, a sixth Internet user said: “I love Nati Jota saying he dropped her from school but also saying they didn’t prosecute anyone … well, you have not learned much you can see or you would have remembered that Argentina was the first country to convict those responsible for state terrorism, That’s what the movie is about, you see. ”


Source: Clarin

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