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Cinthia Fernández destroyed the influencer who started crying because she didn’t want to work

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Cinthia Fernández crossed paths with Nanu Unuthe influencer who, in recent days, has gone viral through his Tik Tok account, where he has more than 200 thousand followers, for having started to cry inconsolably because he doesn’t want to work.

The young woman spoke with Moment D (El Trece, at 5.15pm) and there she had a strong confrontation with the speaker, who compared her to Mariana Alfonzo, the woman who attracted media attention a few months ago for openly defending social plans.

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“We are very hypocrites, let’s kill the planera and not this … come on, let’s stop fucking”, Cinthia said, visibly angry, after seeing Nanu’s viral video in which, among other things, she asks someone to support her financially.

“This is a parallel, he says he doesn’t like working, we killed the piquetera for saying he didn’t like working,” Fernandez insisted.

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Talking with Fabián Doman, the young influencer explained that she recorded the video as a way to let off steam, without expecting such an impact. “What was the origin of this message?” the driver asked him. “The truth is, it was one of those days when you don’t want to do anything. I didn’t expect it to go viral,” was the young woman’s response.

“I was really crying, because I had a bad day, I had a fight with a friend, there was no food in the fridge, I couldn’t pay for electricity for the month…”, he continued.

However, the dancer didn’t believe anything: “It’s a TikTok challenge for me. I do not believe you. Today you get paid for viralizations. “Hearing these words from Matías Defederico’s ex, the Tiktoker did not hold back and replied to the speaker:” No, not really. I have a job and viralization doesn’t give me more money, because TikTok doesn’t pay me for views. “

And he detailed: “I don’t make money on Youtube. If a lot of people don’t see the videos, there’s no monetization“.”Yes, I know. I have a Youtube channel. I know “, Cinzia interrupted.. But Nanu was adamant: “Can you hear me? will you let me talk? Thank you. It happens that there are Community rules that do not allow to talk about certain issues by adopting a position for or against. In many of my videos, arguments are touched on that go against these norms and that is why I demonetize myself.

When asked by Doman what he would like to do with his life and what he would like to work on, the influencer, who is also a singer, surprised the panel with his answer: “I would like to live on music and also to grow marijuana.”

And he added, about the desperate request he had made for not wanting to work: “It is the reality of many young people, because today it is a privilege to dedicate oneself to what you like”.

Then, Nanu, 26, explained that she has two eight-year-old twin daughters and that she is separated from her father, who looks after the children during the week. While she only shares time with her little ones on weekends and holidays.

Trying to reduce the differences with the speaker from Moment Dexplained the young woman: “They always tell me that my twins look a lot like yours and are the same age”.

And when Cinthia asked her why she was no longer present in the education of her twins, the influencer detailed her situation: “I, by my own decision, breastfed them for two years and the education was exclusively mine until the age of 20 and we chose to do this co-parent there because I don’t have enough time or money. “

Source: Clarin

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