Dalma Maradona answered LAM’s most painful question: “Did they let Diego die?”

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A few days after being removed from Who is the mask? (Telefe, Sunday to Thursday, at 10:30 pm), where he composed the character of Mansa, la sapa, Dalma Maradona was invited to THEY (America, 20 years old), the series led by Ángel De Brito. There, the daughter of Diego Maradona, who died on November 25, 2020, answered everything, without hesitation.

The hardest question that was asked of Dalma, who said he still mourns his father’s death, was when he considered that his father had been left to die.

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De Brito consulted him if he hadn’t regretted not “going in and breaking everything” when Diego was sick and surrounded by an environment which, according to herself, many times expressly prevented her from visiting him.

In a broken voice, Dalma replied: “It could be. But I feel that justice will take care of those peopleyes And in fact he is taking care of it “.” I don’t want to name anyone, because I can’t “, he added,” but I feel it apart from the question of the brand (Maradona), which Justice takes care of, Gianinna and I take care that there is a cause of death (Diego’s)“.

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“We’ve all read that lawsuit and we’ve all published it. But what is it? It’s been (almost) two years …” De Brito asked. “He’s already been tried,” Dalma replied. these people will have to go and testify“.

“Do you think they will be condemned?” the driver wanted to know THEY. “Yes, that’s what I hope. And I think so because everything was very treacherous: They’ve posted the evidence everywhere. ”

“Anyone who has read or heard comments on the file (which investigates Diego Maradona’s death) has seen things that weren’t normal. And no one can even explain why they happened,” De Brito said.

“We didn’t know these things were happening, because there was an organization to make it happen,” stressed El Diez’s daughter.

Ángel De Brito said: “When there is an important figure like Maradona or like … Michael Jackson, for example, who also had complicated health problems and with doctors investigated, one has the fantasy that the millionaire, the powerful has everything at his disposal, that they take care of him, that they connect him to twenty machines so that he survives, because it is still a bargain… But that didn’t happen … “.

Dalma Maradona: “Not to mention the audio in which I heard how they treated my father!

“No, it didn’t happen at all,” Dalma said bluntly. Everything happened contrary to what you are saying. And the craziest thing is that there was such a well-made organization that everyone played their part. And when he needed a doctor to see him, there was none.. There have been a lot of things that went wrong that shouldn’t have gone wrong. “

“The question of the brand, hopefully it will be resolved and all,” Dalma said, referring to what he was asked earlier about the conflict that exists regarding the “Maradona” brand.

And, in no uncertain terms, he stated: “But this cause is the most important. know what happened and why the people who should have done their jobs didn’t. Y not to mention the audios where I heard how they treated my dad. There, yes, of course, I want to kill them“.

“Do you feel that your father died from the abandonment of his whole environment?”De Brito asked. “There is a specific situation that is in the file and that explains what happened. And it is that a doctor had to go to see him and someone did not let the doctor in … In the file there is the name of the person who gave him said I couldn’t enter because I couldn’t disturb … And I don’t even want to explain what happened next, because I can’t … I’m dying, “said Dalma Maradona, about to break.

Injured, Diego’s daughter complained: “They warned us (of Maradona’s death) at noon, when this happened at seven in the morning. What are they waiting for? How many hours will they wait to warn me?Could something have been done that no one has done? Yes obviously“.

This was not an oversight Dalma added. They didn’t let the doctor in for a reason. And then, when my father called for help, no one came in either. They are indicted for a reason!“.


Source: Clarin

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