Home Entertainment Comes “Bosé”, the series about the Spanish singer who will reveal the dark secrets of his life

Comes “Bosé”, the series about the Spanish singer who will reveal the dark secrets of his life

Comes “Bosé”, the series about the Spanish singer who will reveal the dark secrets of his life

“She has such a spectacular life that she is not suitable for everyone.” This is how they define themselves Ivan Sanchez and Jose Pastor to the emblematic character faced the challenge of interpreting in their autobiographical series: Miguel Bosé, one of the most important artists of Spain and Latin America, whose entire story will be revealed in Bosethe new Paramount Plus production which will debut on Thursday 3 November.

His successful artistic career will be the leitmotif of the six chapters to be issued, which were titled with the names of their most iconic songs. But the plot will not leave aside any of the events that marked the life of the Spanish interpreter both above and below the stage. The acquaintances and those whom until now he and his environment had preferred to hide.

From the strained relationship with her father and the pressure her parents were such famous people for the intimacy of his novels, his sexuality and his biggest scandals: “Absolutely everything will be shown,” they advanced Clarione the actors who put themselves in their shoes in the different phases.

The beginning of the series takes place in the 70s, when the singer made his first breakthrough in the sector. And this trait of his life is embodied by José Pastor, the great revelation of this release who, at the age of 26, will debut in his first starring role and will be the one who will give voice to what were the greatest musical hits of him.

The confusion of the real Bosé

“I don’t know if it’s me or who it is”was the reaction of Miguel Bosé himself when he saw the premieres of the series and heard the young man sing the lyrics of songs such as Beautiful, Lover of bandits or I will love you.

In dialogue with ClarionePastor confessed: “In the casting they didn’t ask me to sing, but I knew I had a tone of voice very similar to his and that this was a card that could work in my favor. That’s why I decided to do it the same way and in the end they loved it, ”said the one who is also in charge of telling the story in first person dubbing.

-How much did you know about Miguel Bosé before this series?

-I knew who he was, because in Spain he is a famous person and because my father is a big fan too. That’s why when they chose me, he was the first one I told him I was going to play him and he was very excited when he found out. I didn’t know much about his private life, I learned more about him through the series. And now I have to say that I have become a huge fan.

-Which aspects of his life were the ones that most caught your attention?

– He is a person who has had to go through many things. Her relationship with her parents must not have been easy. Specifically, I was amazed to see that he was able to live his sexuality so freely in the context he was in. Even today, there are no people who openly think like him then.

Bosé hears and does without wondering if it is right or wrong, it’s really wonderful. The environment tells him “be careful what you do”, but he just wants to be himself.

Do you identify with him in any way?

– I especially identified with this change you make from acting to music. It reminds me of myself, that at 17 I didn’t know whether to study psychology or criminology and one day I decided to be an actor. In that choice of a new path that I had, I connected a lot.

Later I also noticed a similarity in some relationships with his father. Mine wanted me to be a police officer, because he has a lot of job opportunities and when I told him about acting he didn’t like it very much. One day I had to stand up and tell him ‘I want to be an actor and make a living with it’. And the truth is, I told him without being so convinced that it was really what I wanted to do.

But that’s how my father accepted that it was what I liked and today he is proud of me.

“Treat me like Bosé”

-How did you prepare to play Miguel Bosé?

-It was a great challenge. During much of the recording I asked to be treated like Bosé in order not to leave the character. He is a very complete artist, but he also has a very spectacular life story, with a little bit of everything.

To act I had to learn many things, from the basics such as his movements and his way of walking to the Italian, horse riding and all the lyrics of his songs. It was an intense process.

– Did you have any contact with him during the filming?

– Only towards the end. Many times I wanted to contact him while we were shooting the series and the producers told me ‘you’ll meet him, don’t be in a hurry’. I didn’t want to ask him for advice in time, but to say something like “I play you on the show and it’s a pleasure”.

When I first saw it it was a lot easier than I had imagined. I was under pressure to like my job, what he would think of me. In the end it was like meeting someone you already know. Today we maintain relationships through networks.

The role of Bosé in the production of the series

Both Iván Sánchez and José Pastor agree that the connection with the real Bosé during the filming of the series was almost nil.

“With the production company we decided not to be close to him during the preparation, because we were shooting a fiction and we did not want to interfere in the creative process”, both remarked.

However, they pointed out that the singer was always ready to help.

“He said absolutely everything to do it. Your environment too. The writers also lived with him at various times to be more precise in the details on the character, “said Iván Sánchez. Clarione.

And he added: “It is true that he was totally separate, even if they sent him videos. What bothered him most was the theme of the music, but he was completely calm when he heard José’s voice ”.

-How was the work you did between you to create Bosé?

Shepherd: Even though we didn’t share scenes together because we played him at different times in his life, we had to work a lot together to create the character. It was essential to create things that connected us. We worked a lot together and it was wonderful.

Sánchez’s close relationship with Bosé

Unlike José Pastor – who didn’t know him well beyond his public profile -, Iván Sánchez has a closer relationship with Miguel Bosé that goes back years.

However, that didn’t stop the actor from being surprised to learn new information about his life when he had to interpret them.

“I met Miguel when I was about 20 years old. Then he said to me ‘there is something you have that reminds me of me’. We are not close friends, but we know each other very well and have shared meals and meetings. It is a relationship of affection and respect, because he does not stop being BoséSanchez said.

And he added: “I hadn’t told him about this project. When I told him I was going to play him, he was very happy. Knowing Miguel, something told me I had to be in this series and it finally happened. It was an exciting and fun process ”.

-How did you get the proposal?

– Something crazy happened to me. I discovered the project because I was eating in Mexico with a friend who is one of the producers of the series. He told me ‘don’t tell anyone, but we are behind a series of Miguel Bosé’. I didn’t say anything, then the pandemic passed and suddenly one day the casting director calls us.

When they call me to do it I was taking a flight. There they tell me ‘you have to do two minutes of an interview that we will send you’.

When they sent me the link and I see it, Miguel was wearing a very rare green kiwi shirt. And a few minutes later I’m walking down the street and I see a very similar shirt. I said ‘wow, how about that?’ I went to the store, bought it, packed it and went to do the casting. I took it as a sign. In the end they chose me.

-What are your expectations for the debut of the series?

Shepherd: Miguel Bosé’s story is very spectacular and should be told. It is impossible not to have expectations, because I hope that people like it and that others see everything I can do. Let the casting directors see me and hire me. But I I am very dreamer with no expectationsI prefer to live in the moment.

Sanchez: Lot of. We will say absolutely everything and with extraordinary humanity. People will go further with the story and get to know it more. But not the Miguel Bosé that everyone knows, but Miguel.


Source: Clarin


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