Home Entertainment The goalkeepers give their opinion on the character of Guillermo Francella in “The Manager”

The goalkeepers give their opinion on the character of Guillermo Francella in “The Manager”

The goalkeepers give their opinion on the character of Guillermo Francella in “The Manager”

The protagonists of series, films and units they have always been doctors, lawyers, professionals in general or even policemen, thieves, even prisoners. There were also soderos, bus drivers and taxi drivers, among other things, but never a doorman who, at best, appeared as a secondary character. Now the series The one in chargecomes to put that figure in the foreground.

The Star + series, recently released, with Guillermo Francella in the role of Eliseo, the manager of an upper-middle-class buildingin Belgrano, aroused curiosity, interest and some controversy among those who work in the sector.

On a tour of the city of Buenos Aires, several managers give their opinion on their imaginary colleague, in charge of Francella. On the other hand, The first installment of the series can be seen this Friday at 10:45 pm on Eltrece’s screen.

A congressman

“I love that there is a protagonist in charge. I’ve already seen three episodes of the series and I laughed a lot,” he says Angel Barboza, who works in a building in the Congreso neighborhood. “Even if the character is also a little dark.”

In the series, written and directed by Gastón Duprat and Mariano CohnThey want to fire Eliseo, after 30 years of service, to build a swimming pool on the terrace where his house is located.

Faced with the possibility of being homeless and jobless, and thanks to what he knows about the life of each owner, Eliseo resorts to quite particular methods, some not very clean, to avoid eviction, in a story that ranges from comedy to drama, with a bit of humor and also with sinister touches.

Barboza dates back to his beginnings as a substitute more than 20 years ago and recalls a certain resemblance to the attitudes of Francella’s character towards her collaborator in fiction, played by Gastón Cocchiarale.

“Even I, the one who was the owner, made me pay the minimum fee, there are many situations that the series shows that they happen as it is,” he says.

In The one in charge, Elisha is seen collecting “tithes” for different jobs in the departments, spying on some of the joint ventures and weaving plans to find each one’s weak point. But the character is kind and also attentive to some of the owners: who treats him well, pays him in kind. And to those who ignore him, he makes them swear.

Barboza assures that by looking for the votes of every person in the consortium to stay, he experienced it firsthand when they once wanted to kick him out. But she clarifies: “I have the keys to some apartments but it never occurs to me to enter without permission. The narrative exaggerates a bit, of course.”

Gossip, a common currency in every building, is as ubiquitous in the series as it is in real life.. “You know everyone’s life, but you are almost always stupid,” she points out. I try to get along with everyone, but with some it’s not very easy. “

A 30-year-old manager

In the same neighborhood, your neighbor, Rodrigo Cardozo who is 30 and has been working since he was 19 as a manager, match. “You don’t like everyone and you don’t get along with, you have to hide it and caress it a bit. I identified a lot with that double face of the character,” she says.

For Cardozo, who saw the nearly complete 11-episode series in one day, the script reflects the various everyday situations of his work very well. “There is a lot of strife, some mistreatment that you always get and, at the same time, you trust some owners or you want to help them because they are good people. And gossip is the way it is,” he explains.

The young man assures him he is more than used to receiving all kinds of favors: “from the silliest to the most complicated”. And he adds: “I like how Francella represents those in charge, despite the fact that the character does things that aren’t that good, it generated empathy for me. Especially when he has to say hello with a smile and immediately after, he starts a bitch.”

In this Cardozo agrees with Barboza, for whom “Francella’s interpretation is very good, it is very natural, the truth is that I was surprised at how he managed to do everything as it is, every gesture, without doubt, he’s a great actor. “

in Almagro

For José González, manager of the Almagro neighborhood, although he doesn’t really like how the character is shown with some situations in the series (“it doesn’t make us feel very good”), he is amused that Francella is the protagonist. “We are always supporting characters and now it’s the other way around.”

He agrees with his colleagues that, from his position, he learns many things “some that do not match but we are not powerful”. And he thinks: “It all depends on the treatment you receive because there are owners who believe they are entitled to everything because they pay your salary. Besides that, you have to try to get along with everyone.”

González, with 34 years of work in several buildings in Buenos Aires, also admits that he has done harm from time to time. “Once I disconnected the electricity from a landlord for a couple of hours after a ban.”

However, to compensate it ensures it he is always willing to make a gauchada. “Who is there always for when something is needed? If someone has to change a piece of skin, I do it and even if he wants to pay me I don’t charge. Because not everything is money”.

A goalkeeper from Recoleta

In another part of the city, Jorge Gutiérrez, who has been working in a building in Recoleta for 36 years, has not yet been able to see the series, but is happy that a popular actor like Francella plays a goalkeeper. “It was time we introduced ourselves”, she says while a neighbor of the building, when she sees him posing for her photos, assures: “Jorge is the best manager”.

With 102 departments in the building under his responsibility, Gutiérrez ensures that he has a great responsibility. But he does not hesitate: “I manage everything, nothing escapes me”, just as happens to Eliseo in fiction. Jorge says that he loves Francella and that he represented those responsible for the series, “it’s an honor”.

Being aware of all the movements of the building makes you learn a lot. “There is everything between the owners, of course. After so many years I know everyone’s life and I get along well with most, although sometimes there are times when I prefer to be quiet so as not to be disrespectful,” he said. he says. “Those who don’t like me, of those, I distance myself.”

proud of his taskhe says: “I know the building better than anyone and from 5.30, after the mad, I already do the cleaning. And whatever happens, I run away. I really like my job.”

At 67, Gutiérrez assures that, at 70, he will be ready for retirement. “I know most people love me and when I retire I want to walk away with my head held high. Some will miss me.”


Source: Clarin


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