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The daughter of one of the Golden Triplets, from Fernández’s radiologist to actress in Netflix’s new Spanish melodrama

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“If you don’t risk, you win nothing,” he says. Laura Laprida and part of his present in Madrid, where he took root almost two years ago, proves him right.

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“I don’t know if my career has been at its best or not. I followed my instincts ”, speculates the actress from Holy Family, Netflix’s new Spanish melodramawhich ranks among the top ten in the world and in Argentina.

But Manolo Caro’s dark family thriller, with a women’s team at the helm (Najwa Nimri and Alba Floresfigures of The robbery of money Y Vis a Vis) is not Laprida’s first win away from home.

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“The first was a series that I traveled with for over three months. I met Valencia, Girona, Barcelona. I also ended up telling Eugenio, my husband, to come and we took advantage of it with some short trips ”, she comments today, with two projects that excite her about to set sail. One to shoot next month (series for Gloriamundi Producciones, Spain) and another that will last all summer.

Away from home, but still a hostess, the actress is waiting for her friends for dinner. And in the meantime, with an average of nine in Spain, she takes care Clarione with timed times.

“It’s a psychological thriller”

“Since reading the script I have said: I want to see this. It is a difficult bet because it is a psychological thriller about motherhood, based on the 90s and very played “, slides the first millennialsthat together with Miguel Ángel Solá (his imaginary father) closes the Argentine cast of the miniseries, with a second season confirmed.

“It helped me a lot to find the tones. With a lot of trust, respect and trying to defend our characters a lot. Nothing is easy for Natalia because everything is intense in this role, ”she admits.

-Your character experiences the worst that can happen to a mother. And even if you are not a mother, it must have been a mobilization to immerse yourself in that darkness.

Not only does she lose her son, but she also loses her husband. It is a double tragedy. A son’s is obviously horrible, but his life is falling apart.

-You have to put yourself in those shoes!

-It was super strong because even though I don’t have a lot of scenes, it’s hard to sustain such a thing and tell it in such a short time. Luckily I prepared with my Argentine coach. Working with other cultures and languages ​​is very interesting. For example, I was able to witness how Najwa Nimri gave advice to the actress who plays her daughter. That she didn’t close a text message and tell him: “that’s it, from the guts …”. They spent 15 minutes connecting with the scene and I learned and admired.

-The series opens the range to show different conceptions and ways of being a mother, whether chosen or not.

-How can you be a mother without having generated, without being pregnant. There are a million ways. And also that it’s a choice, with characters who don’t want to be mothers and who are conditioned because they have a partner who insists.

-O for command.

-Well, this is a topic that is talked about very freely and is super sensitive. I don’t follow any warrant, I don’t care about anything. I do what I want, but you don’t know how many messages I get asking when I will have a baby.

Every time I upload photos of my grandchildren, they write to me: and yours for when? Without knowing what my emotional or psychological state is to cover that situation. Or they ask: don’t you want to have a child? With love they tell you, but what if you say no to that lady who comes with a smile? He replies: children are the best thing in life. There is a lot of talk in that style.

-Are you referring to people who do not know you, from social networks or from your family circle?

-People from all over, who write to me on Instagram, who I meet on the street, my mother’s friends, my grandparents. That nothing happens. We are a more evolved generation and that is not why I will resent the past generation. It doesn’t hit me, it doesn’t reach me and I don’t judge it. I do not get angry and do not resent them. I evolve and continue.

“It is one of the strongest projects of my career”

-Your career is an example of moving forward. You left everything to go to Spain when you weren’t sick here.

-I heard it. And this series is one of the strongest projects of my career. Because it is international, it is Netflix and it has a very demanding character. The physical and emotional wear that it entails, being away from home … because I put everything in the balance. Being away from my family, in another country.

-It’s still very fresh.

-You just never get used to it. And it always costs more. The first year almost felt like holidays working on what I like. The second year, when you start to realize that you are starting to take root, other more sensitive fibers begin to touch you.

-Not to mention how familiar you are, coming from such a close and numerous clan.

– Imagine … Even though my family is Eugenio (Levis) because I am married, it is very difficult for me to cut the cord. My mother (María Eugenia Fernández Rousse, Golden Triplet) always tells me: “Cut the wire, fat girl”. And I don’t want and can’t let go. I came to live on the other side of the ocean and I am still very attached. I talk to my mom every day, on FaceTime and in front of the camera. Even with my grandchildren.

-What many of your colleagues do is come and go. Or they settle there for a while, but then come back.

I came for my career. I have nothing against Argentina. I am a huge fan of my country and I love my industry. But I was looking for a more international projection. And I came with nothing. I have sold absolutely everything.

Didn’t you get a piece of furniture?

-The only thing I brought was an electric piano. Because I knew I wasn’t going to buy one here and didn’t want to leave it. I didn’t bring anything else.

-Your cast partner, Miguel Ángel Solá -also resident in Spain- talked about how difficult it was to live in an Argentina where “you’re going to buy a chewing gum that cost you 2 pesos yesterday and today costs 27” .

-But it’s Argentina. Argentina has always been and will be like this. And look, we’re fanatics … Of course I have some things here that I take for granted: security. And that a person has entered my house! It is not yet known what happened. I think I closed the door badly and it was left ajar. And one day I met a drunk girl, who was sleeping on my sofa, but nothing happened. It wasn’t dangerous.

-Have you taken action?

-The only measure I took was to lock the door, which I was not doing. You relax because nothing is happening and you say: “you have to be relaxed or have a bondi and don’t think if they will take my cell phone”. It’s walking into my house and not having to look around twice. You forget. Then I arrive in Buenos Aires and everything comes back to me.

– We get used to it.

-And does it change? No, it doesn’t change. Is sad. But I’m not going to start talking about politics on the other side of the ocean. Besides, I also log out. I have no idea anymore and can’t think about weight. Otherwise go crazy.

times of radiology

-When you weren’t very well here, you turned to radiology.

-Yes, it cost me a lot and I thought: you must have a plan B. I had so much fun when I was a radiologist. They spent 3 years in Fernández hospital. It was between the Fernandezes and the Reds. It was private and public. And I ended up leaning towards the audience. More things have happened.

-And working in a guard, much more …

-Yes, things are very strong. Because on guard I dealt with Intensive Care, Emergencies, Neonatology, Coronary Unit. He went everywhere. I too have operated. And you see everything. I happened to go to therapy and see people who were sick and with a lot on top, a lot of tube. And to get a plate you have to move that person and dodge all the cables.

– Were you already known?

-I already did History of a clan. But when people come to the hospital, injured, more in the ER, they are in another mambo. He is not thinking if the radiologist is hot or famous. If a patient’s grandfather told me: you could be a model or an actress …

-Is medicine still a plan B? Do you have others?

-I am a very restless donkey. My priority is acting and it’s a very clear path. But at the same time I like to do other things. I make pottery, I make all the crockery in the house, I make sculptures. Things I haven’t monetized yet. But yes, in a moment I would like to have my own ceramic line.

– Did you start there?

-No, in Argentina 4 years ago. And when I came here I was missing that part. I looked for it everywhere and luckily I found it. With two women I love and are like my grandmothers.

-You had to build yourself from scratch.

-I arrived with one hand in front and one in back. I stayed for a month with my cousin with her children. We came with our savings and jumped in the pool to see what happens, I didn’t come with a job. It was knocking on doors, sending emails, sending my reel, exposing myself.

-You are a born rower.

– (laughs) But I like it anyway.

-Even in life … You faced skin cancer when you were very young.

-It is life itself. This year they just pulled one out of my scalp. It was also difficult because after two weeks I had to start rolling and they had my whole top shaved off. He had a giant scar and is super traumatic. I was alone with my husband and obviously I wanted my mom to come.

-Here is where distance becomes flesh.

-And it’s meeting other doctors and surgeons when I have mine in Argentina. Everything they did to me, I called and consulted. I drove him crazy! Here you find another health system. But when things happen to you, you seek balance in life. You do meditation. You always try to feel good. 45 minutes from here you take a car and you are in the middle of the mountains, where you have goats walking next to you and a stream. Have a picnic or you can climb. He is looking for that balance so as not to sink into negative things.


Source: Clarin

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