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The strong live cross between Cinthia Fernández and Mariana Alfonzo, the controversial beneficiary of the social plans

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Cinzia Fernandez, speaker of Moment D (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 5:15 pm) starred in a tense crossover airing with Mariana Alfonzo, a social plan beneficiary who claims this kind of state assistance.

The dancer, who had already had a strong argument with the “planner” in July of this year, had another meeting aired after the woman made public her desire to be the beneficiary of a plan again.

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In recent days, a video has gone viral of this woman crying and telling Alberto Fernández that she was disappointed because she was one of the few who had put him in the bank during his tenure. Then, in front of Fabián Doman, he complained: “I don’t have the plans, they were taken away from me. When you are in a social plan you have to work and they didn’t let me go back to work. It’s different because what they offered me is not been with the money I asked for. “

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“People like to be lazy and be our leech. At least I work, I have some dignity,” Cinthia attacked.Dignity, to show a little garden. You are a VIP whore. Recognize it, “Mariana told the dancer, unfiltered.

Then, the rapporteur lost her temper and shot with everything against the “planera”: “Being a prostitute is a job, something you don’t do. It’s a lack of respect like that, a lack of respect for women. Learn education, learn to work and stop being a drone of us “.

“Because we keep you fucking lazy. Also, it’s a shame that you make a video of all of Argentina laughing out loud. I work It is a lack of respect that we keep you and they are all a bunch of bums, “concluded Fernández. Having said that, the woman interrupted the call and left her cell phone.

The previous cross between Cinthia Fernández and Mariana Alfonzo

Last July, when a video of Mariana Alfonzo was released in which it was said that she liked to receive money from the state and “live up to the fart”, Fernández interrupted her in the middle of a note they gave her in Moment D: “Yes, but you are telling us that we are foolish to work, to fight and to have dignity, to go to work for what we want”.

“Since this person complained so much that he was working for me to come up with a plan, then I told him to resign and you too lived on the plan, that was my position”, Alfonzo began, taking his leave.

“But if you work and you keep complaining, then why do you work?” Alfonzo told him. “Yes, I complain about being lazy, sorry. Because you have had no previous work history for four years ”, the rapporteur reproached her.

Okay, but it’s my problem. “ The woman justified herself through a cell phone that she gave to the program led by Fabián Doman.

But Fernández wanted to answer him: “No, it’s a problem for us all, because if you are a person who shows fatigue, if you return to the state with something, with training, with studies, with the desire to work, or if you intend to study, if you intend to train to try to get a job, but no. You think you’re a whim and we’re the idiots for holding you guys back. “

And he continued vehemently: “You think it’s nice to live like this, and it seems disrespectful to me, to me and to everyone. T.And I want to tell you to your face, because as you said it so freely, it seems to me that it is disrespectful, because we pay for your plans. And I would be happy to repay a person who wants to progress, but you know what happens, we raise bums here. The person who receives the plan has to give the job back, give something back to the state, ”he explained.

“It is that the people who receive the plan work, they work a lot more than you who are sitting here giving your opinion on things that you will not solve”, replied Alfonzo. “No, we’re not heating chairs, dear, we’re working,” Cinthia defended herself.

Source: Clarin

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