Home Entertainment On a night of great emotions, Serrat began greeting the Argentine public in Rosario

On a night of great emotions, Serrat began greeting the Argentine public in Rosario

On a night of great emotions, Serrat began greeting the Argentine public in Rosario

Installed in a golden corner of the popular songbook, Joan Manuel Serrat’s themes are not withdrawn. There is no procedure that authorizes it. The Catalan singer will be able to leave the stage at 78, greet that repeated touring ceremony and accomplice meetings with the public, but his legacy remains. Forever. The collective memory, with his sensational ways, has long been charged with closing this file.

His work is stainless. About twelve thousand faithful have the task of clarifying once again, in Rosario and on a starry Saturday, where the atmosphere is of celebration, not of pain.

The city that one day before its presentation baptized a corner with his name, in a captivating intersection with that of his friend and local coat of arms, Roberto Fontanarrosahe hosted him in the first of seven shows scheduled on Argentine soil as part of his latest tour “El vice of canto 1965-2022”.

At 9:41 pm, dressed in jeans, blue shirt, gray jacket, red brooch and an elegance that remains immaculate for more than two hours of the concert, he appears on stage.

Despite the farewell announcement, Serrat offers a statement of principles later give it give itthe theme with which he opens the evening: he asks, suggests, that no one leave room for regrets.

“Please, I ask you to set aside, as far as possible, all the hints or temptations of melancholy or nostalgia that could threaten us. Think that, from now on, whatever happens, everything is future ”, he explains with an optimistic air.

So yes, start with a concert where tributes will not fail –the poet Miguel Hernández, Alberto Cortez or Paco De Lucía– and its unbeatable classics: da Something personal As far as Your name tastes like weed to mepassing through Mediterranean, Penelope, All I do is think about you, Today could be a great day, for freedom or songs.

“We have chosen a repertoire so that together we can enjoy a happy, loved and remembered night”, he clarifies if necessary. The grateful audience celebrates her speeches with a football song: “Hey, hey, hey / Nanooooooooo, Nanooooooooo!” A coat with unmistakable Argentine features.

If what Nano has come to share is the “vice of singing”, he is not left alone in the face of that old habit: a multiplied voice that stretches over the municipal racecourse, a choir that sways in the cool breeze that runs through the night, preserves those pieces that have marked several generations.

Hundreds of mobile phones get up to record the memory of a special, unique night. Some customs have changed since the Catalan singer embarked on the adventure of making music with the EP in 1965 A guitar.

The band led by the piano from his inseparable fellow traveler Ricard Mirallesand composed by Josep Más Kitflus (keyboards), David Palau (guitar), Ursula Amargós (violin and vocals), Vicente Climent (drums), Rai Ferrer (double bass) and José Miguel Sagaste (winds), regulated, powerful, subtle sound.

Serrat unravels his repertoire and occasionally takes a few breaks to talk to the audience. He does nothing but exhibit another aspect of his solid art of running the stage. Histrionic and talkative, he plays with climates, tensions, landscapes and moods. He ranges from sensitivity to humor, but also moments of social criticism are allowed.

before singing “song of bressol”, He moves with the memory of his mother, who worked“ like a mule ”. It is allowed to joke with the death of Elizabeth II. “Poor … so young”, he jokes before anticipating the misadventures that his successor, Carlos III, who he calls “ears”, will live. before singing Pope speaks of the “disaster” that climate change is causing. “I would suggest everyone to take note of the urgency of the situation”, he warns, throwing a dart aimed at world leaders.

Someone throws the Rosario Central flag at him and he asks, mischievous and knowledgeable about football rivalries, “If anyone has Newell’s …”. He pauses and concludes amused: “To match”.

People are asking for more. Sometimes she fantasizes about an extended ceremony, possibly without epilogues. Serrat accepts the suggestion, even though he dodges it with another dose of sarcasm. “Personally I would sing until dawn, but I would probably make fun of myself”apologizes.

“Respectable and dear public: it was a pleasure to meet you. It was a pleasure to set foot in Rosario again and to be able to enjoy your affection. Affection that I intend to continue to enjoy. Definitely not from the stage, but on the street and at the foot of life, because I stop going on stage, but I don’t intend to stop living. Wow… if possible, ”she jokes.

The show is coming to an end and before leaving he makes it clear that he will not participate in the “fun, friendly and affectionate game” of leaving the stage and returning to do an encore. That he will offer them directly without being asked. He then leaves the choice of the last two songs in the hands of the public. Everything is a confused and passionate cry. So it is he who decides. White city Y Party are noted at closure.

Twenty-four songs and two hours and eleven minutes after the show starts, Serrat leaves amid cheers and shouts. What he left, not this night of stars and emotions, but in his fifty-seven-year career, it is a wonderful and indelible path. Nothing will change it. Even if the scenarios are already starting to fail him.


Source: Clarin


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