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Bizarrap, Nicki Nicole and Chano took over the America Rockstars festival in Montevideo

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(Special delivery). The sun and the wind hit the same Punta Carretas lighthouse, in Montevideo. It is day 1 of American rock stars and hundreds of young people take shelter from the strong winds typical of the Uruguayan coast and from the spring heat of early November, between the two stages that will host the main axes of the festival: music and inspiration.

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This first day sees the participation of artists of local and international fame. While in the front row there are national musicians Clipper, Agostino Giovio, Boni, Clear Y Agostino Casulothe label of headliner falls milk fish, Emily Mernes, Nicki Nicole and Bizzarro.

“I’m very well. I’m very happy to be back: I haven’t been there for a year,” confides Chano Clarione behind the VIP area where he stands next to his circle, while a couple of fans huddled on the fences shout they love him.

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in front of Music stage and he inspirewhere is it Nico Occhiatoalong with the rest of the troop Nobody says anything, have the task of interviewing both icons of the regional scene and exponents of other fields. In this case it is for Giacomo Artemide who sits next to them to talk about fashion and current events.

Every turn of the Uruguayan artists is grasped as a contact with the present that manages the musical mainstream: quick release of songs to start appearing in the lineup of various renowned festivals. In this case, the five begin to warm up for what will happen in the future.

When Clipper, rapper and host of the Charrúa edition of battle of the red bullconcludes his very kaleidoscopic intervention (ranging from the most classic rap to interludes scratched and rhythms of Russian bass) and Emilia Mernes finishes talking with the Nobody says anythingthe crowd begins to walk towards the stage: it is Chano’s turn.

But the former leader of so bionic is made to be desired: only half an hour after the appointed time, clips of wild animals begin to be seen on the big screen and what would be the introduction of a very modern version of go brokeiconic song from the group’s debut LP, Songs of the hurricane.

Clouded by technical problems (“I’m going to burn those headphones! And who made them too! Delete me if you want, I don’t care!”), Chano chooses to leave correctness behind and – in Twitter jargon – act form based: asks whoever is behind the VIP to jump the fence and get closer and replaces the letter of Wick for an ATP not really: “The most idiotic thing in your shell …”.

After the review of the classics (Magic city, Obsession in A major and obviously, The melody of Godjoined by the former drummer of Tan Bionica, Says Lichtenstein) and pieces of his own authorship (accompanied by an improvement in your mood), came the impasse with the nothing itself until the arrival of Emilia Mernes, who shoots with Nicki Nicole.

During the hour that her show lasts, Emilia demonstrates her good physical and lung abilities: wearing white Bratz-style boots, she dances and sings as if she was not tired at all together with a cast of perfectly synchronized dancers in every step they propose their songs .

Also sings happy birthday to one of his fans in the audience and whenever she can, she takes the opportunity to comment on how much she loves her people and how grateful she is to be able to play in Uruguay, a country that has been instrumental in her musical career, for her time in the band. cumbia-cheta I roared.

As soon as he leaves the stage, it is a matter of minutes before he is stepped on again by an artist. One, in this case: Nicki Nicole, whose performance is based on a successful review of her themes more emblematic (despite his short career, Rosario has songs that are already a classic in the regional urban scene).

Sounds mamicula (here without Tuono) e Already left (here without Duki or Bizarrap), but with a gesture that will remain in the hearts of all those who arrived at the fences knowing that they would be rewarded: during that track, The artist steps off the stage and sympathetically joins the videos his fans are recording.

To end a day of music, chatter, debate, sun and wind, Nicki adds the sound of fireworks Wapo Traketeroone of the songs that allowed him to be the star of a festival on the other side of the Río de la Plata.

Day 2

Until sunset Day 2the protagonists of the afternoon are three characters outside the musical field: Damien Betular, Ricky Sarkany Y giulia ponte. As they talk about their careers and learning on the Inspire Stage, they play on the other side of the venue Tribute to Cerati, Sun Ramirez, cold Y Agusmor.

When the sky starts to darken, what catches people’s attention is Brenda Asnicarwith the expectation that, at some point in his performance, he will play the emblematic The divinefrom the soap opera Ugly duckling. And it does. And the audience explodes managing to maintain the effervescence Agus Padillawhich in half an hour is sent with a long show to give place Bhavi.

The ragpicker, who has just played in Madrid, Rosario, Barcelona and Córdoba, among other cities, as part of the Pop corn tourturns out to be the one who has been able to better understand the enclaves of the genre since the first referents began to emerge in Spain: in aesthetics and sound he recalls Kinder Malo, but in practice he manages to condense a style that is more than his own.

When each song ends, he takes the opportunity to give the audience a bite: “You know what I do? Have the dessert before the meal is over” or “I’m giving it all, asshole.”

Source: Clarin

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