Sylvester Stallone broke out

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Sylvester Stallone and the general public seems to have very different views on Rambo.

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According to the specialized media Moviethanks to bold attitudes and ultra-patriotic from Rambo II Y Rambo IIIthe title character became, during the 1980s, a symbol of America’s unstoppable military might.

Rambo was seen in commercials, shirtless and with heavy artillery wrapped around his body, firing bullets at anyone or anything that entered his field of vision.

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This military vision of Rambo contrasts directly with the original 1982 film, Rambo or as originally titled, First bloodfrom Ted Kocheff, co-written by Stallone. In that film, Rambo is a depressed veteran, defeated by life and saddened by the deaths of his countrymen during the war.

Then, Rambo is treated so badly by the local police (mistreated, common place of war veterans, in our case of Malvinas) and then “reverts” to military mode, becoming a soldier again, but against his will.

Stallone still seems to prove it Rambo is not a right wing soldier, but a wounded and tragic figure, beaten by life and far from her country of origin. According to the same submission, you believe that Rambo is “politically neutral”, and stated this in a recent interview: “Everyone thought Rambo was conservative. President regan posted a photo that said: “Rambo is a Republican”. I was like, ‘Uh-oh … Rambo is totally neutral.’

weapons on the set

However, when it comes to weapons on set, Stallone is not neutral, saying that weapons, even without bullets, are “too dangerous to be handled with such nonchalance”. Rare for a guy who has probably fired more bullets at the camera than any other actor.

There is some debate as to which film currently holds the record for the most bullets fired on the camera. A cursory search on the internet leads to several notable titles. Rambo: First Blood Part II he’s on the podium, like Replacement killersfrom Antonio Fuqua.

It was also mentioned Invasion (Starship Troopers), from Paul Verhoevenand many quote Matrix as one of the first on the list. However, between the films Rambo and the three films in the series The indestructible onesStallone probably holds the record for firing the most ammo.

“Nobody fired more blanks than me“, Stallone himself comes forward, just in case. He says it in the first Rambo He began to show his power, insinuating – dangerously – that any human being could do it.

“I had another one almost by chance. I’ve never said this before, but a gun literally exploded in my holster. bam! just below my leg. I used incredibly dangerous weapons at close range. I’m surprised I didn’t lose a finger or something. It was only a matter of time and I agree: with special effects today there is no need to go around doing it … “.


Source: Clarin

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