Cinthia Fernández sued Matías Defederico for alimony: “He owes 15 million dollars”

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Cinzia Fernandez does not give up in its fight against Mattia Defedericofather of his three daughters, the twins Charis and Bella, and of the youngest Francesca and exposed the amount that the former footballer owes him for alimony.

The speaker of moment d (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 5.15pm) returned to the Court to execute another embargo on Defederico for a sum of 2 million pesos.

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Although the father of the dancer’s three girls has accused him on more than one occasion of not having enough money to meet the long-established figure, the dancer continues to fight for the maintenance of the little ones.

“A day after approving the question of truth for debtor fathers. I get an embargo that I’m waiting for, I think it’s the fourth, about eight months ago. That’s how long Justice takes after asking me for 58 papers: it took eight months to notify it », Cinzia began via Instagram.

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And then she revealed in the video that she shared with her followers how much is the amount of what her ex partner owes: “There are already between 12 and 15 sticks of food debt.”

Cinthia Fernández complained about the amount that Matías Defederico gives her for the food quota

“He’s giving me 55,000 pesos for the three girls!”had assured Cinthia Fernández, indignant, in a note she had given to THEY (America, at 20) last May.

The speaker of the cycle led by Fabián Doman for El Trece was outraged as he counted the small sum that Matías Defederico pays for food and revealed that he only needs it to make a purchase at the supermarket.

“I bought biscuits, dairy products and personal hygiene items. For many people it’s a lot and I respect it, but it’s not my reality and it’s not what I have to receive », he complained in an Instagram story.

In her networks she had also launched a furious message against her ex-husband, accusing him of maintaining a high standard of living and then spending the minimum on his daughters: “He went on vacation twice, travels by plane, eats out every day , shows his standard of living, bought a house, a farm-to-table car when he separated, started a business. Do you think he has no money to switch me?”

And then he said in closing: “If you don’t have money, go to work more like me because I have three jobs. And if this doesn’t come to you, if you don’t have money, at least don’t do it”. break your balls”.

Source: Clarin

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