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The Theater Complex of Buenos Aires has announced its schedule for 2023 and the reopening of the Alvear Theater

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Artists such as Gabriel Goity, Eleonora Wexler, Miguel Angel Rodríguez, Selva Alemán, Arturo PuigLuciano Caceres, Felipe Colombo and Vanesa Gonzalezamong many others, they are part of the works that will be presented in the different halls of the Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires next year.

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The director of the CTBA, Gabriella Ricardi She was responsible for reviewing all the theatre, dance, music, puppets and other activities that will be part of the 2023 programming of the Complex.

Among others, there will be directors Rubén Szuchmacher, Javier Daulte, Mariano Pensotti, Mariano Tenconi Blanco, Helena Tritek, Julio Panno, Luciano Suardi, Gabriel Chamé Buendìa, Mariano Stolkiner; Federico León and Sebastián Bauzá.

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French will be added to them Alessio Michalik, considered today one of the most prestigious; the Spanish Alfred Sanzolothe Irish Colm Tobinthe Uruguayan Gabriele Calderón and classic texts ranging from William Shakespeare, Calderón de la Barca, Edmond Rostand, Eugene O’Neill and Christopher Marlowe to Argentine authors such as Gonzalo Demaría and Alfredo Allende.

Some of the proposals

Among the proposals that will be presented in the different halls and theaters that make up the CTBA (San Martín, Regio, Sarmiento, De la Ribera, Cine Teatro El Plata) there are natural Sciences, the second chapter of the Mariano Tenconi Blanco saga, after the award-winning the prisoners.

There will also be a version of Cyrano directed by Gabriel “Puma” Goity; the only person Mary’s Testament, by Eleonora Wexler who proposes to reconstruct the crucifixion of Christ from the mother’s point of view. Y Yearsfrom Mariano Pensottialready distributed in Europe by the director and his company.

Both the Minister of Culture of Buenos Aires Enrique Avogadro and the director of the CTBA, They also assured that, in the second half of 2023, the Presidente Alvear Theater will reopenclosed since 2014. The works with which the hall will be reopened will be Edmund by the famous French director and author Alexis Michalik directed by Miguel Angel Rodríguez, Vanesa González and Felipe Colombo.

It will also be part of next year’s grid Elsa fired, where Gonzalo Demaría proposes a fiction in which the North American playwright Eugene O’Neill lives in Argentina at the same time that the country’s first pornographic film is being shot. It will be directed by Luciano Cáceres and starring Josefina Scaglione and Alejandra Radano.

Puig and Alemán, a couple for O’Neill

Following in O’Neill’s footsteps, 70 years after his death, you can also see the sunset A long journey from day to nightautobiographical piece by the American playwright, directed by Luciano Suardi and interpreted Arturo Puig and Selva Aleman.

At the Teatro de la Ribera it will be premiered Blessed Lizzie Waisse, a musical show about the life of Benito Quinquela Martín; Javier Daulte and Mariano Stolkiner will conduct at the Regio butchera play written by Daulte.

On the other hand, it is also prepared Herd of wolves by Helena Tritek, reversal of a work by Henrik Ibsen which addresses the lack of scruples for power.

They will also be part of the 2023 programming bourgeois, by Alfredo Allende directed by Sebastián Bauzá, based on The bourgeois gentlemanof Moliere and which transposes the story to Ramos Mejía at the end of the Onganía government.

They will also be seen Time, by Federico León in a curious exercise with all his previous works and, measure by measure by William Shakespeare in clown version by Gabriel Chamé Buendía.

Among other novelties for this new season of the CTBA, there is the Focus Spainan international cooperation project to organize cross-programming between the two countries and which will lead to Buenos Aires internships the tenderness, by Alfredo Sanzol and, Lady in red on a gray backgroundby Jose Sacristan.

As part of this focus there will also be a moonless night in which the Madrid-based Argentine Juan Diego Botto puts himself in the shoes of Federico García Lorca and a classic like Life is dream” by Pedro Calderón de la Barca in the English version Declan Donellan.

Another God important cooperation agreements this year will be with La Comedia Nacional de Uruguay which, by the way, will bring a stage version of Waiting for the carriage60 years after the premiere of Jacobo Langer’s piece which, at the time, was unsuccessful in his native country, before the famous film.

Among the replicas that will continue with functions next year are what does the river do of the sisters Paula and María Marull; the great resignationby Lisandro Fiks, reverse of the lazy one; black ice, by Luciana Acuna e All that is by my side, by Fernando Rubio.

For next year’s dance grid, among other proposals, they will come from Germany I made you fall by Constance Macras; Leaf by the French Mourad Merzouki with the Contemporary Ballet of the San Martín Theater and the Möbius circus of the XY Company from France; In addition to Colossus, from Australian Stephane Lake next to Contemporary Ballet of the San Martín Theater.

On the other hand, there will also be proposals from the legendary Puppeteer Group of the San Martín Theater, musical cycles in different halls of the different theaters: film cycles, photographic exhibitions, tributes, master classes and many other activities.

The complete schedule, which includes theatre, reruns, film programming, dance, music and puppets, can be consulted in its entirety in the section Programming 2023 by

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Source: Clarin

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