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How is 1899, the new series from the creators of Dark that Netflix has just released

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Mystery, a lot of mystery, supernatural situations and a multicultural cast are the axes of 1899hea new series from the same creators from Dark, Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, Just released on Netflix.

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IS first season of eight episodes takes place aboard an immigrant ship making its voyage from Europe to New York City in the late 19th century. From the outset, puzzles arise among the passengers on this boat, all from various European countries, with the common denominator of going in search of the “American dream” and a better life.

In line with the diversity that the story proposes, the cast also has artists from different countries embodying the characters, including the German Andreas Pietschmann (he was already in Dark), Emily Beecham from England, Lucas Lyngaard from Denmark, Miguel Bernardeau from Spain, Mathilde Ollivier from France and Aneurin Barnard from Britain.

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Looking for a better horizon

The idea of ​​finding a new horizon in their lives fills these characters with hope, but everything changes dramatically when you’re in the middle of the journey come across another migrant ship that is adrift in the middle of the open sea and reported missing months earlier. Therefore, her passengers allegedly died.

From that crossroads begin to emerge a series of intrigues, secrets and events ranging from mystery to terror. Added to this situation the culture shock that exists among immigrants who also find it difficult to communicate with each other through different languages. For this reason, conceived as a multilingual drama, each of the actors speaks in their own mother tongue.

As announced by the producers, on their journey across the vast and treacherous Atlantic Ocean, the passengers of the Kerberos, who set out with one goal, find themselves with the greatest mystery of their lives and with the danger that surrounds them throughout the entire plot.

guess after guess

as in Darkthe production that broke onto the platform in 2017 and surprised by its success, in 1899 various narrative lines converge which, far from clarifying situations, generate more and more hypothesessome related to the supernatural and science fiction.

Writer, producer and showrunner Jantje Friese commented on the new series arriving on the platform with high expectations: “1899 it is a truly European series, with characters from different countries speaking their native language. We feel very fortunate to have found such a wonderful cast from all over the world to embark on this exciting journey with us.”

For his part, Baran bo Odar adds about the new and ambitious production: “We like to play with genres and expectations. I think you have to look at it very carefully, because every little piece means something.”

For the making of 1899 The latest cutting-edge technology has been used, which is essential for recreating multiple visual effects. Among other things, a game engine was used to create virtual scenarios and animated graphics made it possible to assemble high-level sequences.

The cast is completed by Maciej Musiał, Anton Lesser, Rosalie Craig, Clara Rosager, Maria Erwolter, Martin Greis-Rosenthal, Yann Gael, José Pimentão, Isabella Wei, Gabby Wong, Jonas Bloquet, Flyn Edwards and Alexandre Willaume.

WD extension

Source: Clarin

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